Welcome to the age of ageing. With more than 800 million people over 60 and more, the world is having to brace itself for the economic – and social – consequences. From a deluge of diseases to sagging skin and the dulling of the senses, old age is beset with creeping failures, medical interventions, and low expectations. But can there be a silver lining for those joining the grey brigade?
Growing old has been synonymous with bodily decay since ancient times. The Greeks had a particularly dire view – many saw ageing itself as a disease. Yet the latest scientific research suggests ageing isn’t a straightforward decline after all. life peaks later than you might think.
When does old age begin?
The poet Dante believed old age started at 45. A survey concluded that it starts at 59 – the older the respondent, the greater the number of years they considered old. But the United Nations and most scientists define it as any age after 60.
Fewer colds
Outliving outbreaks
Declining allergies
Fewer migraines
Less sweaty
Cheating death
Source :BBC