Minister of Economy and Foreign Trade, Dr. Mohammad Zafar Mahbaq said that the government is considering small businesses as a cornerstone in the development of all regions of the Syrian countryside.
Giving that small businesses the more ability to be established in their locations within the regional planning, the more interest gained in maintaining manpower in the rural areas, and the more real development is achieved at the level of human resources and at the level of the local economy itself, in the framework of the national economy, by providing all elements of the small enterprise that will do in its area without the need to return to the city centers to ensure the requirements of these projects.
In a statement to Al Thawra daily, the Minister said that Small enterprises can be considered as an important part of the rural development process in the framework of the comprehensive development process in Syria. Small enterprises can create a link between the Syrian citizens and their districts in which they live, especially that all services will be provided to him and up to the area where he sets up his small enterprise.
Mahbaq explained that all necessary needs for small enterprises of infrastructure will be located in rural areas including water systems, telephone, sanitation, electricity and access to bank branches to secure the necessary funding in its various stages, in addition to linking these projects with services marketing.
“Most of the owners of these projects do not have the necessary expertise to market their products, and hence the establishing of an industrial incubator will be under the care and supervision of marketing process serving all these products, taking into consideration, in future, the linking between small and big enterprises,” the minister pointed out.
He noted that initial polls indicated that some companies can run between 20 to 30 workshops, so that a large enterprise could give up some of its own production and gives it to a small enterprise which is previously linked with the large enterprise. By this way the small enterprise will be in the benefit of the large enterprise.
Minister of Economy considered that it is not enough for anyone who has a university degree and competence to raise his small enterprise and ensures its success and achieve the positive desired results to establish a small project. The small enterprise to achieve certain specifications that enable the enterprise of marketing its production to the local large companies through export routes, and thus the plans will achieve its goal in the success of small and independence enterprises.
In the long term, the Ministry of Economy has ensured that small businesses will turn this way after a certain period of years, and after passing certain stages in their work and expansion to large-scale enterprises, after turning to a big project has come out of the mantle of the large project, giving the field at the same time in front of smaller projects to enter the service to the benefit of the large enterprise.
Small businesses also enter in the service of large projects and by this way a layer local businessmen will be created enjoy science and knowledge and enjoy practical experience through the experience accumulated during their work to install their small projects, within the economic conditions of Syria, and to achieve rural development in actual cross-linking citizens to their land and their region after they have jobs and creative on the ground.