Capitals (ST): India recorded 38,792 new cases of coronavirus and 624 deaths in the past 24 hours. Reuters quoted the Indian Ministry of Health as saying today that “the total number of infections reached 30 million and 946,074, while the total number of deaths reached 411,439 cases.
India still ranks second in the world in terms of the number of corona infections after the United States.
In Germany, data from the Robert Koch Institute for Infectious Diseases showed that the number of confirmed infections with the corona virus in Germany increased by 1548 cases, bringing the total number of infections in the country to three million and 738,683 cases, while the number of deaths increased by 28 cases, bringing the total deaths to 91,287.
The Mexican Ministry of Health announced an increase in infections with the corona virus by 2,604,711, after 11,137 new infections were recorded, and deaths increased by 219 cases, bringing the total to 235,277.