Musical evening by students of musical Institute in Turin University at the end of “Damascene Rose…from Syria to Turin” Days
The Cultural activities of the “Damascene Rose…from Syria to Turin” Days in the Italian city of Turin concluded on Saturday with a classical musical evening presented by four students of the Higher Musical Institute in the University of Turin and called “Saxophone Quartet”..
A collection of classical music tracks for a number of world music composers from several ages starting from the Baroque period to the present day, were played by the students Michaela Strovolino- soprano saxophone, Maria Grazia Massanova- alto saxophone, Sofia Ferraro- tenor saxophone and Eugenio Anrea- baritone saxophone. The evening was hosted by the Roman Theater in the archeological city of Turin.
At the beginning of the musical evening, head of the Syrian National Symphony Orchestra Missak Baghboudarian, hailed the efforts being exerted by the students of the musical institute in Turin, pointing out that these students are like the Syrian students who work hard under difficult circumstances to prove that they will continue to be knowledge, education and culture seekers despite the repercussions of the war and economic blockade imposed on their country.
He added that “music brings us together despite the difference in the language and geographic place to which we belong and live. Music eliminates borders and differences and creates harmony between the musicians and enriches the spiritual, humanitarian and psychological side of peoples and it also expresses the noble values and contributes to building peace.
The “Damascene Rose…from Syria to Turin” Days witnessed diverse cultural activities, including the opening of a photography exhibition that highlights the Damascene rose and its related crafts, and a display of an artistic model of the rose in the gardens of the Royal Museum in Turin, in honor of the traditional Syrian crafts. The two events will continue to open for visitors until the 1st of next October. A documentary film called the “Oath of Cyriac” was screened and a literary evening by historian Sami Mubayyed on “the Damascene Rose in the Syrian Literature” was also present as part of the cultural activities.
A musical evening titled “Ode to the Rose”, inspired by the Damascene Rose and led by Maestro Misak Bagboudrian was also held, besides the Cultural Heritage Conference “Bridge of Peace” that was held on the 3rd day of the Damascene Rose…from Syria to Turin” Days
Hamda Mustafa