Today, the Ministry of Health received 40 ambulances from the World Health Organization, with the aim of supporting the emergency system, which was greatly affected due to terrorist attacks.
In a statement to reporters, the Minister of Health, Dr. Hassan Al-Ghobash, noted that the ambulances are modern and fully equipped and will start operating immediately. He indicated that the Ministry is constantly seeking to enhance the capabilities of the physical and human emergency system in coordination with international organizations and NGOs concerned with health affairs.
Minister Ghobash appreciated the efforts of all health workers, especially in the emergency systems, who are doing their utmost to save the lives of patients.
In a similar statement, the representative of the World Health Organization in Syria, Dr. Akjemal Maktumova, noted that during the last three years the organization had provided 51 ambulances in order to support the health system in Syria, which suffered a lot during the years of war, but still provides health services. He indicated that the cars are equipped with Oxygen cylinders, first aid kits and ventilators that make them eligible to serve Covid 19 patients.
Maktumova highlighted efforts made by the Ministry of Health regarding the Covid 19 pandemic, which contributed to limiting the spread of the virus significantly.
Director of Preparedness and Emergency Dr. TawfiqHasaba noted that ambulances include many medical equipment.
According to Ministry of Health figures, 378 ambulances cars out of 801 ones are out of service dueto terrorist attacks.
Inas abdulkareem