The President of Syria Bashar Al-Assad has been urged recently by the French to use more force against terrorism: ‘Forza Bashar’ was the banner raised by the French crowds in the French league match between Paris-Saint-German and Bastia! The crowds’ calls have been indeed a popular acknowledgement of Syria’s just fight and Syrian Army heroic fight against terrorists of more than 80 countries, among them were the French handpicked by the Qataris and Saudis and backed by the blind policies of Mr. Hollande, who appeared in Paris anti-terror recent march as a baby-sitter begging his willy-nilly visitor, Netanyahu, to calm, slow down and not to go more forward before other world leaders, many among whom have no other profession other than terrorism- related activities!
The banner summarizes indeed Syria’s ongoing on the ground as the struggle between light and darkness, humanity and brutality, civilization and barbarity, between goodness and evil. The people of France have realized the fact that the only president capable of fighting terrorism is the Syrian President and no other president in the world, especially Mr. Hollande, the babysitter! When others sell themselves to Qatar and to dirty money of the ewes, they themselves become more ewes before their people. When it comes to legitimacy and illegitimacy, President Hollande should step down and leave the door open for other honest and Charles De Gaulle-like leaders of the Free France to take the lead. This is merely my personal analysis, hence the game has been exposed by the French that Qatar bought everything related to the Republic of France!
The French, under the shock of the Qatari and Wahabi terrorism, shouted loudly through their banners NO to the selling of France to a bunch of rotten gangsters and NO to hypocrisy, malice, slaughter and double standards when it comes to peoples’ lives. They wrote on another banner: “Qatar sponsors terrorism”. Unfortunately, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and some other countries’ trade is only treason, wahabism, rape, blood, robbery and destruction. What is the benefit of having free-of-charge gas and oil? What is the benefit of spending your short life in doing the said evil things?
‘Forza Bashar’ was but the very accurate conclusion for the conspiracy against Syria. Forza Bashar was not only a European call, but a world call and appeal as to fight and not support terrorism and as to stand with the Syrians in their blessed fight against the plague of terrorism, to stand by the Syrian Army and President Bashar Al-Assad in the fight against multi-national terrorists. It has been a call on the brave President who has been fighting terrorists and pursuing them even to the middle of their terrorist gatherings in Jobar, Homs, Daraya and elsewhere. ”Forza Bashar” is but the end of the dirty war against Syrians! Isn’t it?
Dr. Mohammad Abdo Al-Ibrahim