“The Lemon Remains” is a new novel by Ghassan Hourania formulated in a style that focuses on symbolizing and signifying the strengthening of bonds of love between members of society by developing these values in children and adolescents and the determination to defend the homeland dignity.
The novel’s events move through a lemon tree as a symbol in the occupied territories, as the protagonists of the novel pose problems, worries, visions, and dreams that they seek to realize.
Hourania symbolizes the lemon tree and those who surround and approach it to the real inhabitants of the country who faced aggression, injustice and oppression, stressing the need to return and stay with the lemon tree and the homeland that embraces it.
The author humanizes beautiful birds, where they begin to speak and talk, in order to deepen the visions and ideas in the imagination of children, as did The Seagull, The Crane, and the Lemon Tree.
The 55-page novel published by the Arab Writers Union contains many symbols represented by trees and birds through which events move, and steadfastness, survival, victory, and continuity are manifested through the end of events.
Amal Farhat