“On this rock I build my country”
Al-Sakhra Society was founded four years ago, based on our convictions that the future of the Syrians is based on their survival and their roots in their villages and cities.
This society represents the largest segment of Syrian people, then it concerns with all Syrians regardless of the sect or region, at home or abroad.
The main concerns of” Al-Sakhra Society” are education, culture, development and heritage. It started with a number of projects that contribute to the development of the new generation and people affected by the war on Syria in recent years.
The most important of these projects:
1- The Education care Program, which provides scholarships for children and young people who have been forced to leave school because they cannot pay tuition fees. This project included school and university students and the number of beneficiaries for the year 2015-2016 is about 1176 students, in 2016-2017 ,1164 students, and this project has expanded in the year 2017-2018 to cover seven Syrian governorates.
2- Institute of rehabilitation and training of artisans who concern with the restoration of Damascene houses . Besides, the restoration of properties which are damaged and destroyed during years of the war on Syria, such as old Aleppo and old Homs.
3- Wax and soap manufacturing project, and the establishment of workshop for the manufacture of decorative wax , glycerin and laurel soap. This project has secured many job opportunities and the proceeds from the sale of products to serve the objectives and projects of the association.
4 – Center of the artificial limbs which provides its services to all Syrian patients free of charge in order to help them return to normal life.
5 – Relief projects through offering assistance to the displaced Syrian families, such as surgical operations, medicine, food and milk for children. Besides, educational projects to help children to return to their educational track.
Under the patronage of the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor and during the celebration of Syrian Culture Day,” Al-Sakhra Society” presented a cultural event at Dar Al Assad for Culture and Arts called “Homeland Rock”. In addition it presented a concert on the stage of drama on Sunday, 25/11/2018, with the participation of the Orpheus orchestra led by Andre Almalouli, and Soprano Lara Jokhadar and pianist Elie Shahoud. Among the cultural activities of “Al-Sakhra Society” , Dr.Sami Clib’s book entitled ” The Traveller” was also signed.
In an encouraging step, the outstanding students in the secondary high school also were honored :
Ahd Abo Hadir, scientific section
Majd Abo Hadir, scientific section
George Haddad, scientific section
Hani Garaz Aldin, literary section
Gabriela Zaaroura, literary section