With official and popular participation … a condolence council for the martyrdom of General Soleimani at the Iranian embassy in Damascus

On January 5, the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Damascus established a condolence council for the martyrdom of Lieutenant-General Qassem Soleimani, Commander of the Quds Force and his fellow fighters who were killed by the American aggression near Baghdad International Airport.

The Political and Media Advisor in the Presidency ,Dr. Buthaina Shaaban, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Dr. Ayman Sousan, the Grand Mufti of the Republic Dr. Ahmed Badr El Din Hassoun, Director of Political Department at the Syrian Arab Army Major General Hassan Hassan and a number of officers of the Syrian Arab Army and the Russian army, leaders and representatives of the Palestinian factions, Islamic religious scholars and Christian clergy and a number of members of the People’s Assembly participated in the condolence ceremonies.

 During her participation in offering condolences, Dr. Buthaina Shaaban said that the two martyrs, Lieutenant General Soleimani and Abu Mahdi Al-Muhandis, Deputy Chief of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units, represent the conscience of peoples and humanity.

Dr. Ayman Sousan, said that the crime committed by the American occupation represents the ugliest forms of state terrorism practiced by the United States against free peoples in the world.

Director of Political Department at the Syrian Arab Army Major General Hassan Hassan referred to the role of the martyr Soleimani.

Vice President of the Syrian-Iranian Joint Chamber of Commerce Fahd Darwish said that the Syrian people will not forget the  stance of Soleimani with the Syrian Arab Army in its war against terrorism.

The former Kuwaiti MP and President of the International Council for the Support of the Fair Trial and Human Rights, Dr. Abdul Hamid Dashti, referred to the role of Commander Soleimani in the fields of the war against terrorism.

Sheikh Ibrahim Shaban from Sahnaya described targeting the martyr and his fellow fighters as a cowardly action.

Sheikh Ayman Ahmed, Head of the Social Committee in Sayeda Zeinab, stated that targeting the General QassemSoleimani and his fellow fighters came as a result of their militant role in defeating the Zionist-American project.

The Chargé d’Affaires of the Iranian embassy in Damascus, Ali Reza Ayati, thanked the participants in offering condolences to the feelings of loyalty to the martyr.

He said that the assassination of the General Soleimani and his fellow fighters constituted a clear and serious violation of international law and called on the peoples of the region to stand side by side in the face of the war that the American President Donald Trump is trying to ignited it.

O. al-Mohammad

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