Sheikh Nimr Execution Another Step in Line With Divisive Policies, Says Zarif


Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif condemned execution of Sheikh Nimr, describing the move as another step in line with divisive policies.

In separate telephone talks with a number of foreign ministers of regional countries, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon and EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini, Zarif denounced the inhumane move, saying that execution of the Saudi cleric runs against international human rights standards.

The move is in line with supporting the extremist terrorists which have demolished the region and world, he said.

Warning about the dangerous consequences of such measures in encouraging extremism, Zarif stressed the need for coordinated regional and international moves to prevent such actions and for avoiding polices based on tribalism.

 He also pointed out Iran’s commitment to safeguarding diplomatic missions.

Saudi will pay the price for martyrdom of Ayatollah Nimr al-Nimr, says Velayati

Meanwhile, Head of Strategic Center at the Expediency Council Ali Akbar Velayati on Sunday strongly condemned execution of prominent Saudi cleric Ayatollah Nimr al-Nimr and said there is no doubt that Saudi kingdom will pay the price for the murder.

He tod reporters that the Islamic Republic of Iran has shown its official reaction and the Muslim and pious people are very sad for the news.

In fact, the people expressed their anger and solidarity with Saudi Community over the murder, Velayati said.

The Islamic Republic of Iran strongly condemns such events and believes that the Saudi kingdom will pay the price for the crimes and will punish Saudi regime, Velayati said.

Saudi officials were directly involved in the execution of Ayatollah Nimr al-Nimr as well as indirect abduction and arrest of Nigerian religious leader Sheikh Zakzaky, he said.


Salehi deplores execution of Sheikh Nimr

Vice-President and head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Ali Akbar Salehi on Sunday deplored martyrdom of Ayatollah Sheikh NimrBaqer al-Nimr.

He said that although perpetrators of such gruesome act practically shown that they did not learn from history, but scholars of the Islamic world should take initiative to stop repetition of such inhuman acts.

He said that scholars of the Islamic world should stop repetition of such inhuman acts

Whoever did not learn from the history, will not learn from any teacher, he wrote the poem at the end of his message.

Iran protested to Saudi government over execution of the prominent religious leader of the Saudi Community.

Iran said that punishment of the religious leader is blatant violation of Customary International Law.


MP tells UNESCO Sheikh Nimr execution ‘unforgivable sin

Chairman of Majlis Education and Research Commission in a message to director general of United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) said that it is the historic responsibility of the international organizations such as the cultural entity to condemn Sheikh Nimr execution and prevent recurrence of such crimes.

In his message, Zahedi congratulated Irina Bokova on the new year, hoping that 2016 will be a year of success in implementing its major aims in the fields of education, culture and science.

Zahedi told Bokova that the new Christian year started with the execution of a freedom-seeking mankind by a dictatorial regime.

A regime which supports extremist and Takfiri terrorists on the one hand and suppress the voice of freedom-seeking of the opponents inside the country with sword and bullet on the other.’

Killing of a great scholar such as Sheikh Nimr who held the banner of freedom-seeking, justice-seeking and human rights as well as countering extremist and violent currents of extremism is an unforgivable sin, wrote the MP.

All the international bodies including UNESCO are responsible to denounce the anti-human move and adopt measures to prevent repetition such acts, he said.

Saudi despotic regime will face the consequences of the barbaric move in future,’ read the message.



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