Presidents Assad-Putin Sochi Summit


SOCHI, (ST)_ H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad  and H.E. President Vladimir Putin of Russia held a summit meeting at Sochi focusing at different joint bilateral issues, developments on the ground in Syria and on the new developments in the political process in Syria.

In brief statements, President Putin pointed out that the meeting touched upon the joint consequent steps as to pursue the fight against terrorism in Syria.

”We dealt with the victories and successes achieved by the Syrian Arab Army in its war against terrorism and the restoration of stability which provided the conditions conducive with the political process continuation,” outlined President Putin.

President Putin disclosed that a Syrian official list for the candidates to attend the discussions of the constitutional committee will be sent to the UN in light of the conclusions of the Intra Syrians Sochi Conference.

President Putin underlined the necessity for taking the needed measures as to support economy in Syria and as to solve the difficult humanitarian issues, expressing the hope for a UN as well as for other concerned countries in solving the crisis in Syria to provide their support to this effect.

 President Putin that with the achievement of the big victories and notable successes by the Syrian Arab Army in the war against terrorism and with the activation of the political process, the withdrawal of all foreign forces from the territories of the Syrian Arab republic should take place.


On his part, President Assad described the meeting as ”fruitful with all of the word fruitful means”, where an evaluation for the military situation was first made and where our evaluation for what has been accomplished in the process of the fight against terrorism was positive, given the impact of this military operation on the restoring of the situation to the normal condition, and consequently leading to the citizens’ return to their houses.

President Assad thanked President Putin and the Government of Russia for their stances throughout the crisis and for their humanitarian assistance to the Syrians who were forced because of the terrorists to move to other places in the country.

”Further, we discussed economic cooperation particularly the recent increasing investments by Russian companies in all fields in Syria and their participation in the process of rebuilding,” added President Assad.

”We also discussed the political process during he past months, particularly after Sochi Conference and after several rounds of Astana conference and talked about the necessary steps to push this process forward,’ declared President Assad, asserting that Syria is to send its candidates to discuss with the participation of the UN the current Constitution as soon as possible.

  On December 11, 2017, H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad met at Khmeimim Airbase  Monday morning H.E. President  President Vladimir Putin of Russia.

Presidents Assad and Putin reviewed the military forces at the Airspace, where President Putin ordered the start of preparations for the withdrawal of the Russian Forces from Syria.

President Assad thanked President Putin for the active participation of Russia in fighting terrorism in Syria, asserting that the Syrian People will never forget what the Russian military personnel whose blood was mixed with the blood of the martyrs of the Syrian Arab Army have done in encountering terrorism.

“This blood watered the Syrian territory as  proof to be stronger than terrorism and its mercenaries. The memory of the martyrs of the two hero armies and their sacrifices will ever remain as the lighthouse for the coming generations.” Added President Assad.

“The coming generations who are to read about the ongoing war on terrorism will never draw lines between a Syrian Martyr and a Russian Martyr,” added President Assad.

“President Putin’s visit to Syria is an opportunity for discussing the second phase in fighting terrorism and for discussions about the political process in Syria. The big accomplishments in the fighting against terrorism opened the door wide before the activation of the political work and for finding a peaceful solution that would stop the bloodletting of the Syrians and restore safety to Syria,” underscored President Assad.

According to RT, “I order the defense minister and chief of the general staff to start the withdrawal of Russian troops to the site of their permanent deployment,” Putin stated, speaking in front of Russian military personnel at Khmeimim.

The Russian leader said that in the space of two years the Russian and Syrian militaries have “defeated the most battle-hardened grouping of international terrorists.” Putin added that he had made the decision that a significant number of the Russian military contingent in Syria should return to Russia.

He warned that should the terrorists try to “rear their heads” in Syria again, Russia will strike them as “they have never seen before.”

According to the Sputnik, The Russian president has also held a separate meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad at the base.

“Indeed, the threat of terrorism, in general, is very high. The fact that we defeated one of the main groups — Daesh in Syria — is extremely important for Syria, and for Russia, and for the whole world,” the Russian president told the Syrian president.

For his part, Assad has thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for the effective assistance in the country’s fight against terrorism.

“The achievements that have taken place are very significant, very important for us. The theme of our meeting, the destruction of Daesh fighters, is very important for the whole world. We coped with this. On behalf of the whole people of the Syrian Arab Republic, I express my deep gratitude for the role your armed forces played. The victories that have been achieved have affected not only our state, but also neighboring countries,” Assad said.    

The Syrian people would not forget the Russian servicemen after their blood mingled with the blood of the soldiers of the Syrian Arab army who died in the fight against terrorism, Assad stated, adding “This blood, shed on the Syrian land, confirms that they are stronger than terror, and the memory of the dead of both armies and their courage will be a guiding light for future generations.”

Summarizing the results of the two-year military campaign, Vladimir Putin mentioned other mediating countries in the Syrian issue, namely Iran and Turkey, expressing the hope that they would assist in establishing normalcy in the country, contributing to the eradication of terrorism.

“It is important to prepare the Congress of the Syrian people, I will now have an opportunity to talk about this in Cairo with the President of Egypt, and a little later with the President of Turkey,” Putin said.  

The announcement of Russian President Vladimir Putin has come almost a week after his statement on the complete destruction of the jihadists along both banks of the Euphrates River. Mentioning the continued existence of isolated hotbeds of resistance, Putin said that on the whole, the Syrian and Russian operation in the area has ended with the complete “routing of the terrorists.”

 On November 21, 2017, H.E. President Bashar al-Assad and Russian President Vladimir Putin held a meeting in the Russian city of Sochi in the presence of a number of senior Russian political and military officials.

President Putin congratulated President al-Assad over the successes achieved in Syria in the fight against terrorism, stressing that the Syrian people are approaching victory over the terrorists, according to SANA.

The Russian President said that the meeting aims at coordination  and consultation between the Syrian and Russian sides ahead of the summit scheduled to be held between the Iranian and Turkish presidents, indicating that what is important now is paying attention to the political process in Syria and that Russia is working with everyone in this regard.

President Putin underlined the important time of this visit to increase coordination between the two sides, conduct further consultations and listening to the Syrian leadership’s assessment of the current situation in Syria, form of next steps and the leadership’s vision of the political process and  role of the United Nations regarding it prior to Russian-Iranian-Turkish summit.

The Russian President said that “Russia highly appreciates the readiness shown by the Syrian government and its openness to all those who wish peace and support provided by President Assad to the Astana process, in which the participants succeeded in establishing de-escalation zones and starting dialogue with various Syrian parties.

President al-Assad said that the Russian military operation in support of the Syrian Arab army’s war against terrorism has achieved important and significant results on various levels, mainly the political, humanitarian, and political ones.

President al-Assad added that the victories achieved against terrorism led to restoring security to many areas and hence the return of citizens and normal life and at the same time pushed the political track to resolve the crisis in Syria.

President al-Assad said that “ Syria supports any political action, especially after the decline of terrorism and the doors are open locally and internationally for backing this track,” emphasizing that Syria is ready  to work with every country willing to contribute to political solution since its depends on Syrian sovereignty and the Syrian decision.

“On behalf of the Syrian people and on my own behalf, I would like to pay tribute to the Russian state institutions, on top the Russian Aerospace Force,  for their efforts in combating terrorism in Syria, particularly that these institutions made great efforts in Syria and offered martyrs.” President al-Assad said.

According to the Russian Sputnick, Russian President Vladimir Putin met with Syrian President Bashar Assad, who flew to Russian city of Sochi for a working visit. The two leaders discussed the situation in Syria.

Vladimir Putin congratulated Bashar Assad for his success in fighting Islamist militants, saying “Syria is striving in the fight against terrorist groups,” adding “the Syrian people are going through very difficult trials and are gradually approaching the final, unavoidable rout of terrorists.”

“You know, we are actively working with other countries as well, with Iraq, the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Jordan. And we are in constant contact with this partners,” Putin said at a meeting with Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Putin expressed hope that the fight against terrorism in Syria will conclude in the very near future.

“Thanks to the Astana process we managed to create de-escalation zones, which served to start a real and deep dialogue with the opposition, pretty much for the first time,” Putin stressed.

“Vladimir Putin also introduced Bashar Assad to the leadership of the Defense Ministry and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, who were present in Sochi for the next round of meetings on the issues of military construction and the State Armaments Program,” as quoted in Tuesday’s statement of the Kremlin press service.

Bashar Assad said at a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that the aerial support provided by the Russian Aerospace Forces had been key to resolving the conflict in Syria through diplomacy: “I am very pleased to meet with you two years and a few weeks after Russia launched the operation, which is very successful… It must be admitted that this operation allowed us to advance the political settlement in Syria.”

Syria’s President added that Damascus is ready to hold a dialogue with all who are interested in a political settlement in Syria.

Also, Bashar Assad stated that he relies on Russia’s support in ensuring that external players don’t interfere in the political process in Syria.

“Over this period, great success has been achieved, both directly on the battlefield and in political terms. Many areas of Syria have been liberated from terrorists, and Syrians who were forced to leave them earlier could return to these areas,” Assad added.

The meeting between Russian and Syrian leaders took place on Monday in the Russian resort city of Sochi.

The presidents of Russia, Iran and Turkey will meet on November 22 at the trilateral summit in Sochi, where they will discuss “the entire Syrian agenda,” according to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

According to the Russian Presidency Website,

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad made a working visit to Russia

On November 20, President Vladimir Putin had talks with President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad who was in Russia on a working visit.

Vladimir Putin also introduced Bashar al-Assad to senior officials of the Russian Defence Ministry and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces who were in Sochi to attend another series of meetings on military construction and the State Armament Programme.

Beginning of meeting with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, friends,

Welcome to Sochi. First, let me congratulate you on Syria’s results in combating terrorist groups as well as on the fact that the Syrian people, despite a very difficult ordeal, are gradually moving towards the final and inevitable defeat of the terrorists.

Mr President, as you know, I will meet with my colleagues – the presidents of Turkey and Iran – here in Sochi the day after tomorrow. We have agreed to hold additional consultations with you during our meeting. Of course, the main subject on the agenda is a peaceful and lasting political settlement in Syria after the routing of the terrorists.

As you know, in addition to the partners I have mentioned we are also working closely together with other countries, such as Iraq, the United States, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. We maintain constant contact with these partners.

I would like to talk with you about the basic principles of the political process and the Syrian National Dialogue Congress, the idea of which you have supported. I would like to hear your opinions on the current situation and development prospects and your views on the political process, which should ultimately be implemented under the UN auspices. We also hope that the UN will join the [political] process at its final stage.

I am glad to see you. Welcome to Russia.

President of Syria Bashar al-Assad (retranslated): Thank you very much, Mr President.

I am very glad to have this opportunity to meet with you two years and several weeks after Russia launched a very successful operation.

Over this period, we have achieved major success both on the battlefield and on the political track. Many regions in Syria have been liberated from the terrorists, and the Syrians who had to flee from these regions can now return there.

It should be acknowledged that the operation brought progress to the political settlement in Syria. And the process which was started and which Russia promoted with various efforts continues, above all, based on respect for the UN Charter, the state’s sovereignty and independence. This stance has been defended at various international platforms, including the talks in Astana. The same goes for the plans to hold the Syrian National Dialogue Conference in a few days. Today we have an excellent opportunity to discuss both the upcoming conference and the upcoming summit, and to coordinate our views on the next steps.

First, I would like to take an opportunity and pass congratulations and gratitude from the Syrian people to you, Mr President, for our joint success in defending Syria’s territorial integrity and independence. We would like to extend our gratitude to those institutions of the Russian state that provided assistance – primarily, the Russian Defence Ministry that has supported us throughout this operation. Also I would like to pass our gratitude to the Russian people who remain a friendly nation to us. They have supported us all along.

Thank you very much.

Vladimir Putin: You mentioned the Astana talks. I also think they were quite a success. Thanks to the Astana process we managed to create de-escalation zones, which allowed us to start the first real and in-depth dialogue with the opposition.

Based on the outcome of this meeting, I will consult further with the leaders of the countries I just mentioned. A conversation with the Emir of Qatar is scheduled for today. Tomorrow, I am speaking with US President Donald Trump. After that, I am speaking with the leaders of the countries in the region.

As you know, the so-called Riyadh opposition group will hold a meeting in Riyadh on November 22–23. Our representative, Mr Lavrentyev, will attend the opening and closing of this meeting, as well as a news conference, as a special presidential envoy. Therefore, I believe that our meeting today is a very good opportunity to coordinate our approaches on all settlement issues. I am glad that we can do this.

Bashar al-Assad: At this stage, and especially after our victories over the terrorists, we are interested in promoting the political process. We believe that the political situation that has developed in the regions offers an opportunity for progress in the political process. We hope Russia will support us by ensuring the external players’ non-interference in the political process, so that they will only support the process waged by the Syrians themselves.

We do not want to look back. We will accept and talk with anyone who is really interested in a political settlement.

Vladimir Putin: Very good. You have mentioned the completion of the military operation. I believe that terrorism is a global problem and the fight against it is, of course, far from over. As for our joint efforts against the terrorists in Syria, this military operation is nearing completion indeed.

I believe that the main task now is to launch the political process. I am glad that you are ready to work with anyone who wants peace and conflict resolution.

With President of the Syrian Arab Republic Bashar al-Assad at a meeting with senior officials of the Russian Defence Ministry and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

Meeting with senior officials of the Defence Ministry and the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces

Vladimir Putin: I have asked the President of Syria to attend our meeting.

I want him to see those who have played the key role in saving Syria.

Of course, Mr Assad knows some of you personally. He told me at our talks today that the Russian Army has saved Syria as a state. Much has been done to stabilise the situation in Syria. I hope that we will close the chapter on the fight against terrorism in Syria, although some seats of tension will remain or will flare up again.

There are more than enough problems with terrorism in the world, including in the Middle East and Syria. But our main mission is almost accomplished, and I hope we will be able to say that we have accomplished it soon.

We have held very substantial talks with the President of Syria today on all aspects related to normalisation, including subsequent steps on the political track. As you know, we will hold a trilateral meeting here in Sochi. However, I would like to say that conditions for a political process could not have been created without the armed forces, without your efforts and the efforts and heroism of your subordinates. This goal has been achieved thanks to the Russian Armed Forces and our Syrian friends on the battlefield. Thank you for this.

Bashar al-Assad (retranslated): President of Russia Vladimir Putin and I have just held talks. I have conveyed to him, and on his behalf to the Russian people, our gratitude for Russia’s efforts to save our country.

I would like to highlight the contribution of the Russian Armed Forces and the sacrifices they have made to achieve this goal. I was very glad to learn that you, those of you who were directly involved in the operation [in Syria] and who commanded the activities of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria will be present here today.

The operation barely started when I met with President Putin in Moscow two years ago. In the two years since then we can see the success that has been achieved thanks to cooperation between the Russian Aerospace Forces and the Syrian Army. Nobody can deny this success in the fight against terrorism now. Thanks to your actions, as well as the actions of the Syrian Army and our allies, many Syrians have returned home.

Speaking on behalf of the Syrian people, I would like to express our gratitude for what you have accomplished. We will never forget this. Also, I would like to thank personally President Vladimir Putin, [Defence Minister] Sergei Shoigu and [Chief of the General Staff] Valery Gerasimov for their direct involvement in this operation.

Thank you very much.


Dr. Mohamad Abdo Al-Ibrahim





Russian Role in Fighting Terrorism Highlighted

Presidents Al-Assad and Putin hold meeting in Russian city of Sochi

Determination as to Pursue Fight against Terrorism Reiterated

The Pivotal Role of Russia Worldwide Underlined

President Al-Assad in Moscow for Talks with Russia’s Putin on Joint Military Operations against Terrorists in Syria

 President Bashar Al-Assad’s Russian Media Interview, September 16, 2015.

President Al-Assad’s Interview with Russian media   (March 27, 2015)

President Bashar Al-Assad’s Interview with Rossiya 24 TV channel, September 12, 2013

President Bashar Al-Assad’s RT TV Interview , November 9 , 2012




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