Zarif: Trump should base his foreign policy on facts

On January 26, Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif criticized the policies and statements of US President Donald Trump.

In a atweet, Zarif responded  to statements by the US president, that “Trump should base his foreign policy statements and decisions on the facts and not on Fox Newsheadlines or what his translators say in the Persian language.”


Zarif said,in an interview in English with the German magazine Der Spiegel, in response to a question about the possibility of negotiating with the United States, “I never rule out the possibility of changing people’s attitudes and accepting the facts. We don’t care who is in the White House, what matters is their behavior. The Trump administration can adjust what it has done in the past.”

On January 26, Trump tweeted in the Persian language saying, “The Iranian foreign minister says that Iran wants to negotiate with the United States, but with the removal of sanctions … No thanks.”


O. al-Mohammad

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