Why hasn’t the US been kicked off UN Human Rights Council?

The American writer Dave Lindorff has criticized the UN General Assembly for yielding to the American and Western pressure that led to the suspension of Russia’s membership in the Human Rights Council, while ignoring the illegal practices and crimes committed by the US administrations over decades in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries.

In an article published by the “Urasia Review” website, Lindorff cited examples about Washington’s violations and crimes in several countries, including its repeated airstrikes on Syrian territories by orders from former US President Donald Trump.

“President Trump, with his Tomahawk missile attacks on Syrian targets and his military attacks inside Syria, is also a war criminal, as Syria poses no threat to the US, and military action against that country too has never been authorized by the United Nations,” Lindorff said in the article.

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Source: Eurasia Review

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