WHO: 2103 confirmed cases of monkeypox in 42 countries

On June 18th, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced that the number of confirmed cases of monkeypox as of mid-June reached 2,103 in 42 member countries across five WHO regions (the Americas, Africa, Europe, Eastern Mediterranean and Western Pacific regions).

“The confirmation of one case of monkeypox in a country is considered an outbreak,” the Russian agency, Sputnik, quoted WHO as saying, in its latest update on the developments of the spread of monkeypox.

The organization pointed out that it assesses the risks at the global level as moderate, given that this is the first time that many cases and groups of monkeypox have been reported simultaneously in many countries in widely varying geographical regions of the World Health Organization.

The organization said that the death rate remained low.

O. al-Mohammad

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