Vicious Circle!

Since the beginning of the terrorist war on Syria, the Syrian government followed open doors policy in dealing with all calls for a political solution to the crisis in Syria. The Syrian government did not miss any chance which gives hope as to overcome the suffering of the Syrian people.

Of course when talking about any solution to the crisis that achieves the security and stability in Syria, it must take into account the respect for the national sovereignty and the Syrians’ political choices. But unfortunately, some Western countries, especially the US did not deal seriously in good faith in resolving the crisis in Syria.

Hence, after the failure of the strategic goals of the war on Syria, thanks to the Syrian Arab Army heroism and also the stead fastness of the Syrians, the foreign powers have created what they call the Syrian opposition. Indeed this opposition was but tools for achieving the interests and ambitions of these countries.

Besides, these oppositions have completely forgotten that the success of any political process to resolve the crisis in Syria is based on a lot of important factors. Firstly, all the parties, whether internal or regional, must have the political will to resolve the crisis. In addition, the foreign powers should be more serious when talking about fighting terrorism through taking decisive stances, especially in stopping their support to the terrorists who were flowing to Syria from about one hundred countries.


Dr.Khalaf al-Miftah



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