US analyst to ST: Coronavirus is being exacerbated by 5G to kill 90% of humankind

Dean Henderson, the US author and Geopolitical analyst believes that 5G will be the main tool to achieve the goal of the Crown which is obsessed with killing 90% of humankind.

He told Syria Times e-newspaper that it is quite possible that coronavirus is being exacerbated by 5G, which is currently being rolled out worldwide, to achieve the Crown’s obsession with killing 90% of humankind.

“Naturally, the mainstream media will never look into this, since they are simply cheerleaders and propagandists for the Crown and the global oligarchy which props them up, ” Henderson added.

 He believes that the race to roll out 5G technology, which will connect numerous everyday vehicles, appliances, homes and devices into a new “internet of things”, has been portrayed by the mainstream media as having major military overtones whereby China and the West appear to be in a contest to get there first.

“This competition narrative is promoted by the mainstream media as a rationale for this headlong plunge into a world filled with electronic smog, Orwellian surveillance capabilities and media mind control the likes of which this planet has never seen. This narrative feeds a false nationalistic fervor consumed by local populations who then help push forward the 5G agenda under a national security imperative.”

“But when you understand that China’s Sesame social credit system was established with help from Google CEO Eric Schmidt and the Dragonfly program; that “the China model” – as David Rockefeller called it – was to be a precursor to a world of collectivism for the masses and monopoly capitalism for the elite; and that foreign Rothschild-controlled banks have been funding the global sweatshop manufacturing operation that is China for some time, you will know that this competition narrative is in fact a smokescreen used to divide the world’s people while national elites work together to maintain oligarchy control.”

The analyst has underscored that the real reasons for the global rush to 5G have to do with population control by this global oligarchy.

“The health effects are massive. It is interesting that coronavirus began in Wuhan, China just six weeks after China launched 5G at the World Military Games on October 18, 2019. The very same day at Johns Hopkins University in New York City Bill Gates and the Wellcome Trust – which is funded by the Crown-controlled UK pharmaceutical giant Glaxo Smith Kline – launched a conference on dealing with a global pandemic. It appears that Gates and the Wellcome Trust also have the patent on COVID-19. “Corona” is a Spanish word which translates to “crown”.

Henderson concluded by saying: ” In my most recent book, Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalyse, I discuss the Crown’s obsession with killing 90% of humankind. 5G will be their main tool and it is quite possible that coronavirus is being exacerbated by 5G, which is currently being rolled out worldwide. Naturally, the mainstream media will never look into this, since they are simply cheerleaders and propagandists for the Crown and the global oligarchy which props them up.

Nephilim Crown 5G Apocalyse is an indictment of the computer revolution as simply the latest mechanism through which the royal bloodline families seek to control humanity. The roll out of their well-tested battlefield weapons system known as 5G represents the pinnacle in their use of electro-magnetic frequencies to literally remote control what these feudalists have for 8,000 years seen as their human herd. Since their intervention in Sumeria, these hybrid fallen angel Nephilim have usurped, steered and plundered all of Creation as self-appointed god/kings. The coming 5G apocalypse represents an opportunity for a great unveiling – the Greek meaning of “apocalypse” – of not only their nefarious 5G deception, but of the fraudulent Nephilim Crown itself. This book is written with the hope that it contributes to this great unveiling so that humanity will seize this moment not just to stop the 5G fourth industrial revolution of the Fourth Reich, but to emancipate itself from its Crown overlords.

Interviewed by: Basma Qaddour

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