Sweida governorate has witnessed recently the inauguration of the United Nations Higher Commission bureau for refugees affairs in the southern area of Syria .
The bureau aims at offering and ensuring all out aid for the homeless in Sweida , Draaa and Quneitra .
Minister of labour and Social Affairs Ministry Dr. kinda al- Shamat reiterated during the inauguration ceremony that the bureau will be in charge for distributing humanitarian aid for all refugees in the southern district of Syria.
Dr. Shamat also said that the commission is the first international organization who worked on setting up a bureau for here in the province of Sweida , underlining the commission’s efforts in the fields of ensuring humanitarian aid and protecting the wars victims .
‘The ministry aims at making 2014 a year for protecting children and women from wars’ dire consequences and terrorist attacks.” The Minister also said , referring to sweida distinguished role in housing homeless.
The Minister also talked about the importance of training a special staff on offering aid for the refugees in Sweida , Dara’a and the liberated governorate of Qunietra .
For his part the governor of sweida Atif Naddaf called for cooperation and coordination between the bureau and the centers of the refugees in the three governorates to make the process of helping refugees a success .
Head of the United Nation Higher Commission Mission for refugees Affairs Tarq Kurdi spoke about the commission aim regarding enlarging its activities and projects in the southern district of Syria , referring to the commission firm position in supporting the bureau’s endeavors regarding attaining humanitarian aims , namely through reducing the refugees suffering and offering protection for them.
”The commission carried out a detailed study for the refugees’ situation before launching its bureau and it will work on applying international standards in this regard” the head said , citing Syria’s humanitarian role in housing refugees from Palestine, Lebanon and Iraq .
A special training course on evaluating the refugees needs has also coincided with the inauguration ceremony.
The 4- day training course will include lectures on social participation of local society in housing centers of refugees , in addition to certain planes for combating social violence and new mechanism for the management of data .
For his part , Head of the Commission Mission Tariq Kurdi also highlighted the course ‘s role in raising the officials potentials in the face of challenges , namely during our homelands current ordeal.
He also assured the commission complete adherence for offering aid to Syria in her crisis.
The ceremony was attended by Shiekh Aqil the Muslims al- Mouhdeen al- doruoz Yosif Jarboa’a and the Horan Bosra and Jabal Arab and Golan for Rom Orthodox’s Patriarch Saba Isber in addition to Head of the governorate council .
Nahla Maaz for Syriatines –Sweida province