Transport Ministry puts second runway at Damascus International Airport into service

DAMASCUS, Jul.30, (ST)-Today, the Ministry of Transport announced putting the second runway at Damascus International Airport into service as of today and investing it for air traffic, after the cadres of the ministry, the General Organization of Civil Aviation and the specialized national study and construction companies completed the repair and maintenance work of the runway.

The Minister of Transport Zuhair Khuzaym affirmed during a tour at Damascus International Airport that the runway that was put into service has been repaired according to the required international specifications and standards.

He pointed out that the movement of aircrafts [landing and take-off] was easy and smooth, asserting that it would meet the services of airlines and the flexibility of their movement in serving passengers around the clock.

The minister also inspected the services being provided at the airport and met a number of passengers and listened to their observations and suggestions in the presence of those who are concerned in civil aviation and Syrian aviation.

Basma Qaddour

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