The Wise and Brave Leadership


A strong desire that time would stop as to keep following and re-watching the interview by the Syrian Al-Ekhbariya TV with His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasserallah, Hezbollah Secretary General. It is the transparent, objective and real talk about the oppressed and their resistance, courage, defiance and definite victory.

The epic of struggle and fight against international terrorism targeting Syria is but the sacred and duty of all in defence of all. It is indeed a struggle not against others who believe in other religions, but against Zionists who occupy others’ territories and sanctities.  The role of the men of the resistance in defending Syria is to defend Lebanon, Jordan, Gulf, Iraq and others. Sayyed’s transparency and belief in the Syrians’ ultimate and near victory did give us a moral support. After all, Sayyed Nasserallah’s words are deeds.

The Leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad is indeed the source of pride, steadfastness and victory for Syria and the region. He is the President who never knells but to God and has never been taken by threats, nor by lip services and sweet promises; President Al-Assad is indeed the defender, saviour and guardian of the region in the face of Al-Qaeda affiliates.

Syria has been the target because of its national stances, geo-political role, and for its steadfastness. Yes, Your Eminence, you have been speaking on behalf of every honest and true person. Hizbollah is defending Lebanon, Gulf, Iraq and Jordan along with the Syrian hero Army, and Hizbollah is to exist and defend in every place where it has to be. The Resistance retaliation against the Israeli attack in Quneitra was from Lebanon as to convey the message that the Resistance is but a one untied Front.

The Resistance defence and capabilities are limited but unlimited when it comes to defend the sacred pillars of our essence! Hizbollah is to continue the fight along with the Syrians, with assistance from limited number of expert brothers from Iran, and under the brave leadership of the Syrian Army as to fight Al-Qaeda affiliates whose defeat is near with the more of patience and determination.

The Leadership of Syria has ever been open since day one of the crisis for political solutions, and so this wise and historic Leadership of President Bashar Al-Assad amended the Constitution, enshrined Laws, issued decrees and abrogated Article 8 of the Constitution, which stipulates the leading role of the Baath Arab Socialist Party  in Syria! Thus, President Al-Assad has spared no efforts for solving the crisis. Many in the opposition have done nothing but to reject every Syrian move and measure for dialogue and reconciliation, because they are affiliated to foreign countries and scores of intelligence circles.

Syria is committed to its independent and sovereign strategy in taking decisions and no body can draw the region future away from Syria, and this is why they launched their merciless war of terrorism against Syria. Syria supports the Resistance and is part of the Resistance Axis and no action can be taken without the saying of Syria; and this is why it is attacked. It is a war for the Syrians’ decision, oil, gas, where the anti Syrians want Syria as a passage in their interests and not for the Syrians’ interests!

The war against Syrians failed because of the steadfastness of the people and leadership of Syria. Thanks Your Eminence for all what you and your men of God have been doing in defence of our honour, dignity, safety and territory and indeed we are one for all and all for one. We and you are brothers in everything and most importantly in martyrdom. The sacred blood of our Martyrs in Quneitra recently does baptize, purify and solidify our spirits every minute and is now blossoming rosy flowers to be watered but by the more of our will, determination and oneness.

Yes, Your Eminence, the anti-Syrians have not achieved their goals and Syria is here and in the same trench of Resistance and steadfastness. Iran’s agreement would bring the region away from wars and bolster the regional security.  Iran has never been a threat to anybody and would never be. Your Eminence, we, and the majority worldwide, believe in you and in what you say and do. Yes, the Saudi US aggression against Yemen is to fail and the opportunity is still available for a Yemeni-Yemeni dialogue in a neutral country for a solution. Your salute to the Syrian Media is indeed the most precious Medal of Honor of which every journalist in Syria, if not in the world would dream of. What an honor and privilege to live in the age of the great like the late Hafez Al-Assad, Sayyed Hassan Nasserallah, and President Bashar  Al-Assad.

Dr. Mohammad Abdo Al-Ibrahim

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