The Ugaritic cemetery , which has been discovered south of the Bay of “Mina Al-Bayda” in Latakia since 1997 , dates back to the thirteenth century BC.
The archaeological researcher Jamal Haidar confirmed that the archaeological excavations carried out in the site indicated the Ugaritic cemetery was specified for a family of a prominent social position, as the cemetery was constructed with sandstone pieces under the surface of the earth in the form of a small room with two meters deep, 3 meters long and 2 meters wide.
The researcher Haidar, who headed the excavation mission for the site twenty-three years ago, told SANA that he had found in the cemetery an entrance to a descending staircase and a floor-level ceiling covered with huge stone blocks.
Haidar added that the cemetery was filled with muddy agricultural soil, and it was excavated quietly and inside it were discovered around 200 archaeological pieces for burying the dead.
The archaeological researcher Haidar explained that these pieces are made of pottery, stone, metal, glass, ivory and bone in addition to human skeletons.
He underlined that 150 artifacts have also been found including pottery pieces such as jars of various shapes and sizes, jugs, saucers, bowls, pans, stone pieces, bronze decorations, daggers , arrows as well as two rings for women.
Researchers believe that the Ugaritic cemetery reflected the importance of death for the Ugarites as a passage to another life through the way in which they bury their dead as most of the discovered structures were in a squatting position closer to the running position. This means when the tomb was closed the deceased would run to the other world ..
Rawaa Ghanam