The short Syrian feature film “Amani” (Wishes), written and directed by Mohammed Sameer Tahan and produced by the National Film Organization, is taking part in the official short film competition at the second edition of the Hurghada Festival for Youth Cinema, which was kicked off in Egypt yesterday.
The film, which is competing with 19 films representing different Arab and foreign countries, will be screened on Saturday as part of the competition’s film screenings. This is the film’s first participation in film festivals held outside Syria.
The film depicts the world of children and the risks they are exposed to under the difficult circumstances they live through the story of ten-year-old Karim and his journey in search for ways to achieve his wishes and safety. Reality and fiction are mixed in the film in a way that calls for caring for these children and protecting their safety and wishes.
Regarding this participation, director Tahan said in a statement to SANA, “it is important today for Syrian films to participate in various Arab and foreign festivals so that the audience can watch films that reflect the life of the Syrian people and their ability to challenge various difficulties and to present ourselves to the world as partners in making the seventh art at the Arab and international levels”.
Amal Farhat