Warsaw, (ST) – The Cultural Center in the Polish capital Warsaw is hosting the works of Syrian plastic artist Abeer Al-Assad through a solo exhibition entitled “Amber … Autumn Warmth”. The exhibition includes 33 various- sized paintings representing nature, made with oil and acrylic techniques in both expressionist and impressionist styles.
Regarding the exhibition organized by the Ministry of Culture in Poland, plastic artist Abeer said in a statement to SANA: “I chose this title for the exhibition because Poland is famous for Amber and its charming nature, in addition to the warmth of nature’s colors in the fall season”.
She explained that most of the exhibition’s works embody nature in several forms, in addition to three works that express nature, drawn from the impact of the Corona pandemic, along with a number of oriental themes of a Syrian character.
Artist Abeer confirmed that the exhibition aims to develop the cultural rapprochement between Syria and Poland, so that its people and the European people in general are acquainted with the Syrian art. The art, which expresses the civilization of our people and its talented artists who spread beauty, and art all over the world despite the unjust war and all the disinformation and distortion campaigns, our country has been subjected to.
A remarkable presence of the Syrian and Arab communities in Poland, as well as the Polish art audience, attended the opening of the exhibition, which Abeer describes as an invitation for love and peace.
According to the exhibition identification card published by the Cultural Center in Warsaw, the artist Abeer’s painting present many different features that together create an original and suggestive mixture in terms of adopting the impressionist and expressionist styles. Perhaps the hidden emotions that flow from her paintings and the lyrical reflections satiated with a deep human perception of the world with fleeting moments and moods is the most important about these paintings.
The plastic artist Abeer Al-Assad is a graduate of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Damascus and holds a master’s degree in Literature from Westminster University in London.
She studied art privately and held many individual and group exhibitions inside and outside Syria. Several ministries and institutions, governmental, diplomatic and private agencies, acquire her works.
It is worth noting that the exhibition will continue until November 3.
Amal Farhat