The people of Kafr Naya organize a protest stand against the Turkish occupation

On October 25th, the people of Kafr Naya, northern Aleppo, organized a protest stand to express their absolute rejection of the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries from terrorist organizations

The participants declared their adherence to the unity of the Syrian territories and their rejection of the aggressive plans aimed at dividing Syria

They expressed their confidence in the Syrian Arab Army and support for the battles to liberate every occupied inch of the homeland. 

They raised national flags and banners denouncing the ambitions of the Turkish regime in Syria


Muhammad Ahmed , a protester, stated that the people’s gathering is to say no to aggression and no to the Turkish-Erdogan intervention in Syria

Hassan Hassan, a protester, said: “We have come today to affirm our rejection of the Turkish occupation and its tools of terrorist organizations, and to offer our lives cheaply as a sacrifice for the soil of the homeland.

The protesters Abdullah al-Atrash , Zainab Al-Hajji and Bayraktar Rashid pointed out that this mass gathering is to confirm that this land belongs to the Syrians, and they alone have the right to decide its fate and protect it from every aggressor


Inas Abdulkareem

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