The Occupied Golan heights in the Words of President Bashar Al-Assad

“Anyone who thinks that Syria may negotiate on its occupied land, he/she is mistaken because liberating the Golan is a right that resides in the hearts of the Syrians as people, army and leadership.”

From H.E.’s Army Day Word, (August 1, 2010)

”The Resistance against occupation is but the national duty; and the support for the Resistance is the legitimate and moral duty. Supporting the Resistance is but the honour in which we take pride. This never negates our firm desire for the realization of the Just and Comprehensive Peace on the basis of the return of the occupied territories, on top of which comes the occupied Syrian Golan. But the failure of negotiations in restoring the full rights means automatically the Resistance solutions as an alternative solution,”

From His Excellency’s Speech at COMCEC Istanbul Summit, (November 9, 2009)


“The Syrian Arab Golan is to ever remain Arab in the hand, face, and tongue; Syrian in air, water, Land, and Man, and is to fully return to the bosom of the Motherland.”

  From His Excellency’s  speech on the 64th Anniversary of the Syrian Arab Army Foundation Day, (August 1, 2009)


“I have explained to President Aliyev the theme of stability in the Middle East, which passes through the process of peace, which has passed through different experiences, but remained moving from failure to another, since its start in 1991, due to the Israeli intransigency and rejection to abide by the International Legitimacy Resolutions , which affirm the return of all the rights, on top of which the Occupied Territories to their owners, and, for us in Syria, of course, on top of which is the Occupied Golan.”

From His Excellency’s Azerbaijan visit Press Statements, (July 8, 2009)


“We have discussed the process of peace in the Middle East; viewpoints were identical regarding the necessity for the realization of the just and comprehensive peace, based on the international legitimacy resolutions, which stipulate the inadmissibility of the continued Israeli occupation of the Arab Territories, on top of which is the occupied Syrian Golan.”

 From His Excellency’s Press Statements during President Papoulias of Greece  Visit, (June 24, 2009)


“Syria is committed to the peace as much as it is committed to the occupied Syrian Territories, the Golan,”

From His Excellency’s Statements during Turkish President Visit, (May 15, 2009)


“Our commitment to the Golan is closely linked to our stance by the full return of the Palestinian rights and territories, including Jerusalem and the return of the refugees to their homeland.”

From His Excellency’s Statements during Turkish President Visit, (May 15, 2009)


“The Golan Heights is our land, our right, and must return by all accounts,”

From His Excellency’s Statements during Austria visit, (April 27, 2009)


“First of all, we do not relate, as I said, our policy to what is happening in Israel. So, we do not pin any hopes on this government. But if any government says they are ready to give back the Golan Heights, that is good and we can move forward. We do not have hope but there is nothing that is a hundred percent accurate in politics. You may have surprises and if you have a surprise it is good but sometimes we do not see this surprise.”

From His Excellency’s Interview with the Austrian Der Standard, (April, 18, 2009)


“We do not have conditions. It is our land and there is a difference between conditions and rights. We have rights; we do not have conditions. Golan is not a condition; it is a right. So, we should be very precise because when they say they are ready to resume the negotiations only without pre-conditions, they mean the land. Whereas, the land is not a condition; it is a right. The only condition is to be committed to the international conditions. The international conditions are Security Council Resolutions; these are international conditions, not Syrian conditions.”

From His Excellency’s Interview with the Austrian Der Standard, (April, 18, 2009)


“So, it was about probing and this was based on the issue of the Golan Heights, the line of 1967. We gave the Turks a map on which there are a few points on that line and the Israelis were supposed to agree upon those points. Of course, as we heard from Prime Minister Erdoğan, Olmert was ready to give back the whole Golan Heights and this means there should be no problem in those points.”

 From His Excellency’s Interview with the Austrian Der Standard, (April, 18, 2009)


“We are a state with a structure of Army and Economy, and where every thing is meant for the liberation. The day will definitely come when the Golan would be liberated, whether through peace or war,”

From His Excellency the Qatari Al-Sharq Daily Interview, (April 1, 2009)


“The course of events during the latest few years has proved that the realization of peace is the vital interest for all. The basics for the process of peace are quite clear; that is the return of the Land on the bases of Madrid Terms of Reference, the principle of the Land for the Peace, Resolution 242, and the return of the Golan: the full return of the Land is the Principle not to be discussed.”

From His Excellency Al-Khaleej Newspaper Interview, (March 9, 2009)


“We do not recognize Israel and Israel is still our enemy — it occupies part of our country, the Golan Heights. If the Israelis withdraw from Golan, we will recognize them. First comes peace, then recognition — not the other way around.”

From His Excellency Der Spiegel Interview, (January 19, 2009)


”Will the new prime minister be in favor of negotiations on the basis that we have previously agreed on and which stipulate the full return of the Golan Heights, or will there be new conditions for these negotiations? When a new premier is elected we will see.”

 From His Excellency Monday Morning Interview, (September 30, 2008)


“The return of the occupied Golan Heights remains the question of top priority for Syria.”

 From His Excellency Interview with the Russian Itar Tass  (August 20-21, 2008)


“First of all, as you said, Syrian land is occupied by Israel so they have to give us back our land. We don’t have something to give but we have something to achieve together, which is peace. It is not something we have. So, if both sides achieve a certain treaty, including giving back the Golan Heights, this means achieving peace.

From His Excellency Indian Daily, the Hindu Interview (June 12th, 2008)


“Erdogan- the Turkish Premier has informed me of the Israeli willingness to withdraw from the Golan in return for peace with Syria.”

 From His Excellency Interview given to the Qatari ‘Al-Wtan’ Daily  (April 27th 2008)


“Olmert would present to the Turkish mediator: Erdogan- the Turkish Premier that he was prepared to return the Golan. If Olmert was not prepared to return the Golan, there is no need to talk about this topic.”

From His Excellency Interview given to the Qatari ‘Al-Wtan’ Daily  (April 27th 2008)


“The peace is never to be realized but with the return of the Golan in full to the line of June 4 1967. The Israeli procrastination would never bring them better conditions and would never make us surrender a span of our land nor a right. Whatever  concessions they have failed to take from Syria in the past would never get in a later stage. Betting on the factor of time as to negate the rights through the passage of time or by oblivion , as proved, is futile; hence the time has given birth to generations more committed to the Land and resistance.”

 From His Excellency Opening  Speech of  20th Arab Summit  (March29th 2008)


“The most of the dangers facing the region is perhaps the absence of will by some parties for the peace which would lead into the realization of stability and prosperity. The resolutions of the international legitimacy and the principle of the land for the peace can only lead to the aspired peace as a de facto guaranteeing the return of the Syrian Arab Golan in full to the lines of June 4 1967.”

From H. E. Press Statements in Turkey  ( October 17, 2007)


 “we are not certain of the conference seriousness; this seriousness is linked to the conference Terms of Reference: the basics upon which to be based; whether upon the mood of those who called for the conference! Or to be based upon certain basics like the resolutions of the International Legitimacy: on top of which are 242 and 338 Resolutions and other resolutions. Syria always speaks of the just and comprehensive peace: the comprehensive peace which includes all tracks. This conference is to deal with the Palestinian track; this is good and we will be happy that there is a conference for the Palestinians; but what is our role? We were to go when the objective and the basic is to be the just and comprehensive peace; that is to include the cause of the Golan. We can not only talk about the Palestinian track. The Syrian track is a basic one; and the cause of the Golan is second to none. This Cause is not presented. There is another thing related to seriousness: Were the concerned countries of the Arab Israeli conflict consulted? However, we have not yet received an invitation to attend the said conference; if we were to receive an invitation, these are the conditions of Syria as to attend the international conference.”

From H. E. ’s Al Shirouq Daily Interview  ( October 11, 2007)


“The strife that has been going on for six decades now in the region is not about personal matters to admire or respect me. It is about rights; we have our land – the Golan Heights – which is occupied and it has to go back. This is the only way to achieve peace and it is not by label or mantra or by just saying that they want peace. They have to work for peace and this attack is in the other direction.”

From H. E. ’s BBC Interview  ( October 1, 2007)


“But it is not about the Palestinians and Palestinian territory; it is about the Syrian occupied territory, the Golan Heights. So, if they do not talk about the Syrian occupied territory, there will be no way for Syria to go there.”

From H. E. ’s BBC Interview  ( October 1, 2007)


“Syria, which has shouldered the national responsibility, hoisted the banner of struggle and steadfastness, defended the rights, and chosen the course of the dignified life, is to remain ever loyal to her stances, firm to her basics, and determined as to restore every inch of her occupied land; hence the land is the issue of sovereignty, dignity, and rights, which are never to be subject for compromise nor abandoning.”

From H. E. ’s Word to the Syrian Army and Armed Forces,  (August 1, 2007)


“Our desire for peace in no way means the renunciation of our rights. Syria, leadership, people, and army, is never to accept but the restoration of the Golan fully to the borders of June 4, 1967. The liberation of our occupied land is the  sacred duty, before being the legitimate right guaranteed by the international legitimacy and its affiliated organizations resolutions.”

From H. E. ’s Word to the Syrian Army and Armed Forces,  (August 1, 2007)


“We are firm to our stances and preparedness for the just and comprehensive peace on the basis of relevant International Legitimacy; ready for the resumption of peace negotiations on the basis of the principle of “ the land for peace”, and the full return of the Golan Heights to the line of June 4, 1967.”

 From HE’s Second Presidential Term Inauguration Speech, ( July 17, 2007)


“The most of the dangers facing the region is perhaps the absence of will by some parties for the peace which would lead into the realization of stability and prosperity. The resolutions of the international legitimacy and the principle of the land for the peace can only lead to the aspired peace as a de facto guaranteeing the return of the Syrian Arab Golan in full to the lines of June 4 1967.”

From H. E. Press Statements in Turkey  ( October 17, 2007)


 ” we are not certain of the conference seriousness; this seriousness is linked to the conference Terms of Reference: the basics upon which to be based; whether upon the mood of those who called for the conference! Or to be based upon certain basics like the resolutions of the International Legitimacy: on top of which are 242 and 338 Resolutions and other resolutions. Syria always speaks of the just and comprehensive peace: the comprehensive peace which includes all tracks. This conference is to deal with the Palestinian track; this is good and we will be happy that there is a conference for the Palestinians; but what is our role? We were to go when the objective and the basic is to be the just and comprehensive peace; that is to include the cause of the Golan. We can not only talk about the Palestinian track. The Syrian track is a basic one; and the cause of the Golan is second to none. This Cause is not presented. There is another thing related to seriousness: Were the concerned countries of the Arab Israeli conflict consulted? However, we have not yet received an invitation to attend the said conference; if we were to receive an invitation, these are the conditions of Syria as to attend the international conference.”

From H. E. ’s Al Shirouq Daily Interview  ( October 11, 2007)


“The strife that has been going on for six decades now in the region is not about personal matters to admire or respect me. It is about rights; we have our land – the Golan Heights – which is occupied and it has to go back. This is the only way to achieve peace and it is not by label or mantra or by just saying that they want peace. They have to work for peace and this attack is in the other direction.”

“But it is not about the Palestinians and Palestinian territory; it is about the Syrian occupied territory, the Golan Heights. So, if they do not talk about the Syrian occupied territory, there will be no way for Syria to go there.”

From H. E. ’s BBC Interview  ( October 1, 2007)


“Syria, which has shouldered the national responsibility, hoisted the banner of struggle and steadfastness, defended the rights, and chosen the course of the dignified life, is to remain ever loyal to her stances, firm to her basics, and determined as to restore every inch of her occupied land; hence the land is the issue of sovereignty, dignity, and rights, which are never to be subject for compromise nor abandoning.”

From H. E. ’s Word to the Syrian Army and Armed Forces,  (August 1, 2007)


“Our desire for peace in no way means the renunciation of our rights. Syria, leadership, people, and army, is never to accept but the restoration of the Golan fully to the borders of June 4, 1967. The liberation of our occupied land is the  sacred duty, before being the legitimate right guaranteed by the international legitimacy and its affiliated organizations resolutions.”

From H. E. ’s Word to the Syrian Army and Armed Forces,  (August 1, 2007)


H. E., President Al-Assad lauded highly the Syrian Citizens and prisoners in the Golan Heights, under the yoke of occupation, steadfastness and national stances “ inside the steadfast Golan, which would , and I am quite certain of that, return to the Syria, the mother HOMEland,”

From HE’s Second  Presidential Term Inauguration Speech , ( July 17, 2007)


“I still want to greet, on your behalf and on behalf of every Syrian citizen, our steadfast Syrian brothers and sisters in the occupied Golan. Instead of talking about the international legitimacy resolutions, let us talk about the essence and the substance. As far as we are concerned, these resolutions are the land. So, we salute those who prove everyday the truthfulness of their loyalty to their people and their HOMEland and prove their deep belonging to the causes and dignity of their people and defy with their strong will the Israeli oppression machine. “

From a Speech by HE at Damascus University, (November 10, 2005)


“We assure you that we are with you in our hearts and capabilities, and that the Golan will remain at the center of the causes before us so that it returns to its Homeland, Syria. “

From a Speech by HE at Damascus University, (November 10, 2005)


“L’accordo era sulla restituzione del Golan a eccezione di una fascia larga cento metri lungo il Lago di Tiberiade. All’ultimo istante Barak si tirò indietro. Fu preso dal timore prima di salire a bordo dell’aereo che doveva condurlo al vertice. Capì che Israele non era pronto alla pace, che lui non aveva un sostegno politico alle spalle. E invece la Siria era pronta. Già con Rabin avevamo sfiorato la pace. Poi Rabin è stato ucciso, e con lui le speranze.”

From HE’s Interview with the Italian La Repubblica, (February 28, 2005)


“Withdrawing settlers and troops from Gaza certainly is not a bad move. Nevertheless, that alone will not bring peace. Peace is only possible when all relevant UN resolutions have been fulfilled, and they include the return of the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the repatriation of refugees, the return of the Golan Heights and the question of an independent Palestine.”

From HE’s Interview with the German Spiegel, (July 9, 2001)


“We want the Golan, the Syrian land. Syria puts no conditions for this hence the Golan was but her own right,” “Not a single day passes without the Syrians talk of and work for peace; this is our aim, this very aim is the hope where all of us have interest in lasting and genuine peace”

From HE’s Interview with the French Television, (June 22, 2001)


“In this regard, Israel still occupies our Golan and this is a topic that preoccupies us. The liberation of our territory is at the top of our national priorities and is as important to us as the achievement of a just and comprehensive peace that we have adopted as our strategic choice, but not at the expense of our territory nor at the expense of our sovereignty. Our territory and our sovereignty are a matter of national dignity and no one at all is allowed to compromise any of them.”

From HE’s First Presidential Term Inauguration Speech, ( July 17, 2000)


“We would like to achieve peace because it is our strategic choice and because the Syrian people have always been, through history, peace lovers and because we would love to restore our beloved Golan complete and because we want its people to go back to their HOMEs, but we are not ready to give up an inch of our territory nor to achieve peace at the expense of our national sovereignty. Our brave people on the Golan will always be today and tomorrow and for ever Arab Syrians because no matter how long it might take this land will always be ours and will be returned complete to us one day sooner or later. We are not prepared to pay the price of the helplessness of the Israeli governments and their inability to make decisions that push the peace process forward at the expense of our sovereignty and dignity.”

From HE’s First Presidential Term Inauguration Speech, ( July 17, 2000)

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