The Israeli occupation forces killed a young man in Tulkarm, north Palestine

On January 24th, the Israeli occupation forces attacked the town of Tulkarm,  in the West Bank, and killed a Palestinian man .

Ma’an News Agency reported that the Israeli occupation forces stationed at one of their checkpoints in the village  of Phara’oun, north Tulkarm, fired poison gas canisters at the Palestinians, which resulted in the death of a young man, suffocating and wounding others.

On January 23rd, two Palestinians were injured as a result of the occupation forces’ suppression of the weekly anti-settlement demonstration of KafrQaddum, east of Qalqilya in the West Bank.


The Israeli occupation forces continue their aggressive practices against the Palestinians by harassing them, raiding their cities and villages, and launching daily arrest campaigns aimed at displacing them, seizing their lands and Judaizing them.


O. al-Mohammad

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