The Noble Humanitarian Mission Ongoing


It is a year of direct fight against Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists in Syria by the Federal Republic of Russia. It is a short span of time but decisive in definite in fighting terrorism along with the Syrian Army and its allies. The Russian principled stance and  humanitarian intervention at the request of the Syrian Leadership not only noble in terms of fighting terrorists, many of them came from former Soviet Union territories, thanks to the Wahabbi petrodollars and US conspiracies, but further in dropping humanitarian air drops to the besieged by the cannibals in different corners of Syria. The blessed Russian intervention to fight terrorism with the Syrians on behalf of the entire world id expose the reality about the ongoing in new-colonial and US war against Syria!

In celebration of Russia’s ongoing one year of fighting terrorism in defence of all humanity, civilization and light against barbarity, ignorance and darkness, the Syria Times Online publishes some of President Bashar Al-Assad’s quotes about the strategic and pivotal role of Russia:


”Definitely, the Russian support of the Syrian Army has tipped the scales against the terrorists.”

From President Assad’s Interview with NBC News, July 14, 2016.

”For a simple reason: first of all, their politics are built on values. This is very important. The second thing, their interest is common interest with us now, because they are fighting the same terrorists that they should fight in Russia. We are fighting the terrorists that could be fighting in Europe, in the United States, anywhere else in the world. But the difference between President Putin and the other Western officials is that he could see that clearly while the other officials in Europe or in the West in general couldn’t see that. That’s why his intervention is based on values, and at the same time based on the interest of the Russian people.”

From President Assad’s Interview with NBC News, July 14, 2016.

”Second, regarding that allegation from time to time, that the Russians met with the Americans and they discussed something about the Syrian issue, like, in order to give the impression that they are deciding what is going to happen in Syria. Many times, the Russian officials many times said clearly that the Syrian issue is related to the Syrian people, and yesterday Minister Lavrov said that clearly; said we cannot sit with the Americans to define what the Syrians want to do. This is a Syrian issue, only the Syrian people can define the future of their country and how to solve their problem. The role of Russia and the United States is to offer the international atmosphere, to protect the Syrians from any intervention. The problem in that regard is that the Russians are honest, the Americans didn’t deliver anything in that regard. But, this is not to take the decision about what we have to do as Syrians.”

From President Assad’s Interview with NBC News, July 14, 2016.

”I mean the Russian politics, is not based on making deals; it’s based on values. And that’s why you don’t see any achievement between them and the Americans because of different principles. The American politics are based on making deals, regardless of the values, which is not the case for the Russians.”

”the Russian intervention, terrorism has been, let’s say, regressing, while before that, and during the American illegal intervention with their allies ISIS was expanding and terrorism was expanding and taking over new areas in Syria. They’re not serious. So, I cannot say I welcome the un-seriousness and to be in Syria illegally.”

From President Assad’s Interview with NBC News, July 14, 2016.

”I think he’s saying the right thing, because every person on Earth, whether they agree or disagree with President Putin, should respect him, because he’s respectable. He respects himself, and he respects the other, he respects his values, respects the interests of his own people, and he’s honest and genuine.”

From President Assad’s Interview with NBC News, July 14, 2016.

”And if you look at the meeting that happened recently between the Ministers of Defense in Iran, in Tehran; Syrian, Russian, and Iranian, this means there’s good coordination regarding fighting terrorism.”

From President Assad’s Interview with the Australian SBS TV, July 1, 2016.

”Because it wasn’t about the President, it’s not about the person. This is the misinterpretation, or let’s say the misconception in the West, and maybe part of the propaganda, that Russia and Iran supported Assad, or supported the President. It’s not like this. It’s about the whole situation. The chaos in Syria is going to provoke a domino effect in our region, that’s going to affect the neighboring countries, it’s going to affect Iran, it’s going to affect Russia, it’s going to affect Europe, actually. So, when they defend Syria, they defend the stability and they defend their stability, they defend their interest. And at the same time, it’s about the principle. They defend the Syrian people and their right to protect themselves. Because if they defend the President and the Syrian people are not with him and don’t support him, I cannot withstand five years just because Russia and Iran support me. So, it’s not about the President, it’s about the whole situation, the bigger picture, let’s say.”

From President Assad’s Interview with the Australian SBS TV, July 1, 2016.

“The noble stances of the Federal Republic of Russia and its commendable help for the Syrian People as to encounter terrorism are but the normal non-stop merits  of the Russian People in encountering oppressions, aggressions standing by the just causes of the people,”

From H.E. President Assad’s congratulatory cable to President Putin, May 5, 2016.

“The Russian People paid a very high cost- defeating Nazism- but recorded in the history the legend of steadfastness and victory as to inspire generations throughout ages.”

From H.E. President Assad’s congratulatory cable to President Putin, May 5, 2016.

“The Syrian City of Aleppo today, like all Syrian cities, embraces the hero Stalingrad with a pledge as to accept nothing less than defeating this aggression achieving ultimate victory in the interest of Syria, the region and the world, though of the fierce aggression and of the barbarity of  aggressors, not to mention the bulk of sacrifices and sufferings,”

From H.E. President Assad’s congratulatory cable to President Putin, May 5, 2016.

” I’m talking about Russia. There are no other states, because our relations with Russia are more than six decades old, and they are based on trust and clarity. Moreover, it is the case because Russia bases its policies on principles, and we base our policies on principles. That’s why when there are Russian military bases in Syria, they do not constitute an occupation. On the contrary, they strengthen our relations and our friendship, and they strengthen security and safety, and this is what we want.”

From President Assad’s Interview with Russia’s RIA Novosti and Sputnik, March 30-31, 2016.

“Had President Putin decided to send his forces to support the terrorists, they would have applauded him. This is the problem with Western countries. The problem for them is not having a Russian base in this period.”

From President Assad’s Interview with Russia’s RIA Novosti and Sputnik, March 30-31, 2016.

“There is also another issue: they don’t want a Russian presence on the international arena, neither politically, nor militarily, nor economically. So, any action taken by the Russian state and Russia, in its real position as a first-class superpower, and not a second-class one, as the Americans want Russia to be, any such act will annoy the West in general. This is why they are annoyed. As to keeping the Russian forces in Syria, as I said before, this is linked to the issue of fighting terrorism, and later to the geopolitical condition in the world.”

From President Assad’s Interview with Russia’s RIA Novosti and Sputnik, March 30-31, 2016.

“That visit was conducted in special circumstances. It came a little less than two weeks before the beginning of the Russian support to Syrian forces. So, there’s no doubt that this imposed itself on the visit’s agenda. That was the main subject and the joint vision between President Putin and me about the next stage of fighting terrorism and political action. The visit concentrated solely on these two subjects. There were no agreements, just consultations and dialogue. We focused on two points: first, the military operation which started at that time, and the necessity to strike terrorism. The second point was how to use the military operation in support of the political process. President Putin’s questions were about the same points you raised a short while ago, about our perception of the political process which might start in Geneva or in any other place at that time. These were the only subjects we discussed during that visit.”

From President Assad’s Interview with Russia’s RIA Novosti and Sputnik, March 30-31, 2016.

“First of all, I would like to thank you for visiting Syria in these particular circumstances; and I would like to say that I can convey, through your important media organization, the thanks of every Syrian citizen to every Russian citizen for the support extended by Russia to Syria during the crisis, whether the support was moral, humanitarian, or recently military. Every Russian citizen was a main supporter for President Putin in taking such a decision. Today, despite these difficult circumstances, we experience the joy of reclaiming the city of Palmyra which is part of the human heritage of the whole world. We believe that in addition to the Syrian Army, which was determined to reclaim it, Russia had a major role, in addition to Iran and the other forces fighting with Syria. Once again, I would like to thank every Russian citizen, through you, and to say that the relations we have built over a period of 60 years have become stronger and more solid. And we have a great hope for the Russian role on the global arena, and not only in Syria, in fighting terrorism and restoring balance to global politics. Thank you for coming.”

From President Assad’s Interview with Russia’s RIA Novosti and Sputnik, March 30-31, 2016.

“Definitely the Russian and the Iranian support were essential for our army to make this advancement.”

From President Assad’s Interview with Spanish El Pais Newspaper, February 21, 2016.


 “We don’t have any evidence that the Russians attacked any civilian targets. They are very precise in their targets, they always everyday attack the bases or the targets of the terrorists. Actually, it’s the Americans who did this, who killed many civilians in the northeastern part of Syria, not the Russians. I mean, not a single incident happened regarding the civilians so far, because they don’t attack in the cities; they attack actually mainly in the rural areas.”

From President Assad’s Interview with Spanish El Pais Newspaper, February 21, 2016.

“If we look at Russian policies and Russian officials in the same way we look at unprincipled Western officials and policies, this is a possibility. But the fact is the exact opposite, for a simple reason: the Russians treat us with great respect. They do not treat us as a superpower dealing with a minor state, but as a sovereign state dealing with a sovereign state. That’s why this issue has not been raised at all in any shape or form.”

From H.E. President Assad’s AFP Interview, February 12, 2016.

“Having military bases for any country in Syria does not mean that Syria will become a satellite state to these countries. They do not interfere in issues related to the law, the constitution, nor to politics. In any case, the Russian base exists already, while the Iranians have not asked to have one. But in principle, we do not have a problem.”

From H.E. President Assad’s AFP Interview, February 12, 2016.

“Syria’s friendly countries like Iran and Russia have played a key role in supporting the steadfastness of the Syrian people over the past five years and in helping them achieve victories in their battle against takfiri terrorism; victories that may specify, to a large extent, the features of a new world map.”

H. E. President Bashar Al-Assad, January 12, 2015.

”He-President Putin- didn’t ask for anything in return for a simple reason; because it’s not a trade. Actually, the normal relation between two countries is a relation about mutual interest. The question is what is the mutual interest between Syria and Russia? Does Russia have interest in having more terrorism in Syria? The collapse of the Syrian state? Anarchy? No, they don’t have. So, let’s say in return, Russia have the stability of Syria, of Iraq, of our region – we’re not far from Russia, of Russia, and let me go far beyond that, of Europe. Russia now, in Syria, they are defending Europe directly, and again, the recent terrorist events in Europe is the proof that what’s going on here will affect them positively and negatively.”

From H.E.’s Spanish News Agency  EFE Interview, December 11, 2015.

”The Russians are pragmatic, but at the same time they are adopting a moral policy based on values and principles, not only on interests, and the good thing in their position is that there’s no conflict or contradiction between their values and their interests. This is first. Second, The Russians know very well that any solution, if there’s a trade for example for the solution, any solution cannot be implemented if it’s not a compromise between the Syrians. So, Russia and the United States and any other country in this world cannot make a deal; we can make the deal with ourselves, Syrians can make a deal with the Syrians, can make dialogue with the Syrians. That’s what the Russians know very well. That’s why they don’t make such mistakes, beside the values that they have.”

From H.E.’s Spanish News Agency  EFE Interview, December 11, 2015.

“ISIS and al-Nusra and other like-minded organizations or groups, were expanding, expanding freely.  What was the situation after the Russians participated in fighting terrorism directly?  ISIS and al-Nusra started shrinking.  So I would say, first they will not give any results.  Second, it will be harmful and illegal, and it will support terrorism as what happened after the coalition started its operation a year or so, because this is like a cancer.  You cannot cut the cancer.  You have to extract it.  This kind of operation is like cutting the cancer that will make it spread in the body faster.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Sunday Times Interview, December 6, 2015.

“Look at the Russians, when they wanted to make this alliance against terrorism, the first thing they did was they started discussions with the Syrian government before anyone else.  Then they started discussing the same issue with other governments.  Then they came.  So, this is the legal way to combat any terrorist around the world.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Sunday Times Interview, December 6, 2015.

“The Russian role is very important.  It has had a significant impact on both the military and political arena in Syria.  But to say that without this role, the government or the state would have collapsed, is hypothetical.  Since the very beginning of the conflict in Syria, there were bets on the collapse of the government.  First it was a few weeks, then it was a few months and then a few years.  Every time it was the same wishful thinking.  What is definite is that the Russian support to the Syrian people and government from the very beginning, along with the strong and staunch support of Iran, has played a very important part in the steadfastness of the Syrian state in the fight against terrorism.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Sunday Times Interview, December 6, 2015.

“You will have to ask the Russians why they got involved.  But from our perspective, since the Western coalition started in Syria, ISIS has expanded, al-Nusra has expanded and every other extremist and terrorist group has expanded and captured new territory in Syria and Iraq.  The Russians clearly saw how this posed a threat to Syria, Iraq and the region in general, as well as to Russia and the rest of the world.  We can see this as a reality in Europe today.  If you read and analyze what happened in Paris recently and at Charlie Hebdo, rather than view them as separate incidences, you will realize something very important.  How many extremists cells now exist in Europe?  How many extremists did you export from Europe to Syria?  This is where the danger lies.  The danger is in the incubator.  The Russians can see this very clearly.  They want to protect Syria, Iraq, the region, themselves and even Europe.  I am not exaggerating by saying they are protecting Europe today.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Sunday Times Interview, December 6, 2015.

“Again, this was started at the lower levels.  These officials jointly agreed that it was necessary to get involved and each party discussed it with their leaders.  When it reached the stage of discussion between us, I mean between President Putin and I, we focused our discussions on the how.  Of course this did not happen directly as we had not yet met and it’s impossible to discuss these issues on the phone.   It was mediated through senior officials from both sides.  That is what happened.  In terms of procedure, I sent a letter to President Putin which included an invitation for their forces to participate.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Sunday Times Interview, December 6, 2015.

“Exactly, after we reached that point I sent President Putin a formal letter and we released a statement announcing that we had invited them to join our efforts.  Let’s not forget that President Putin had already taken the step when he said he was willing to create a coalition.  My response to this was that we are ready if you want to bring your forces to participate.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Sunday Times Interview, December 6, 2015.

“We have not discussed that yet, and I don’t think we need it now, because things are moving in the right direction.  The Russians may consider it with time or under different circumstances, but for the moment, this has not been discussed.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Sunday Times Interview, December 6, 2015.


“Now definitely the Russian participation, or what was announced as a front against terrorism, is the most important one. This is the practical thing against terrorism, while in Paris what happened on the political level is just to assuage the feelings of the French, like saying the French are going to attack ISIS in a very different way. What does that mean? Was not France serious before the attack on Paris? So, they are going to only assuage the feelings of the French, nothing serious, while the Russians are very serious in fighting terrorism and there is cooperation between them and the Syrian army.”

From H.E. President Assad’s  interview with the Czech TV, December 1, 2015

“While since the participation of the Russians in the same so-called fight against terrorism, ISIS has been shrinking and Al Nusra of course and other terrorist groups. So, this is reality. The facts are telling.”

From H.E. President Assad’s  interview with the Czech TV, December 1, 2015

“The war against terrorism is continuing. The Russian supportive participation is going to be stronger, it is strong anyway, and I think there is no way back on that regard, whether he does it again, this way or another way.”

From H.E. President Assad’s  interview with the Czech TV, December 1, 2015

“In appearance, Russia supported the government because they support the international law and the stability in the region, their stability and the stability of the whole region and world.”

From H.E. President Assad’s  interview with the Czech TV, December 1, 2015

“Let’s make this comparison through the facts; before the Russian participation started about two months ago, it had been more than a year the American – what they call “American alliance” – started their campaign against the terrorists, but the result is that the terrorists have gained more ground and more recruits from around the world. During the first month of the Russian participation, the same terrorists groups have been retreating and fleeing Syria in thousands to Turkey then to other countries; some to Europe, some to Yemen, and other areas. So, this is the fact.”

From President Al-Assad’s Interview with the Chinese PHOENIX” TV, November 22, 2015

“You know now Russia is leading the political activity regarding Syria in the world, and my visit was about two weeks or three weeks before the Vienna conference. That’s why I had that visit; in order to see what the horizon is in the political field regarding this crisis, what could be done. Now, Vienna defined some of the headlines which is general terms of course.”

From President Al-Assad’s Interview with the Chinese PHOENIX” TV, November 22, 2015

“It was a trip to discuss the military situation, because it happened nearly two weeks after the Russians started the airstrikes, and to discuss the political process, because it was, again, a few days before Vienna 1. It was very fruitful, because the Russians understand very well this region, because they have historical relations, they have embassies; they have all kinds of necessary relations and means to play a role. So, I

From H. E. President Bashar Al-Assad’s interview with Italian TV channel RAI UNO, November 18, 2015.

  “Terrorism hinders political solution and any military actions should be followed by political steps,”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s statements in Moscow, October 20, 2015.

“Russian air operations in Syria go in harmony with international law,”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s statements in Moscow, October 20, 2015.

“First of all, I want to express our tremendous gratitude to the Russian leadership and people for the help they are providing Syria. Thank you for supporting Syria’s unity and independence. Most important of all is that this is being done within the framework of international law.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s statements in Moscow, October 20, 2015.

“I must say that the political steps the Russian Federation has been taking since the start of the crisis made it possible to prevent events in Syria from taking an even more tragic turn. If it were not for your actions and decisions, the terrorism that is spreading through the region now would have made even greater gains and spread to even wider territories. You have confirmed your course of action by joining in the military operations as part of a common front in the fight against terrorism.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s statements in Moscow, October 20, 2015.

“We must be particularly aware that military strikes against the terrorists are essential above all because we must fight terrorism, and also because terrorism is a real obstacle on the road to reaching a political settlement. Of course, the entire nation wants to take part in deciding the country’s fate, and not just the government.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s statements in Moscow, October 20, 2015.

“I want to thank the Russian people once more for the help you are giving Syria and express the hope that we will vanquish terrorism and continue working together to rebuild our country economically and politically and ensure peaceful life for everyone.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s statements in Moscow, October 20, 2015.

“What’s happening in Syria, in this regard, is similar to what happened in your case. Notice what happened in the Western media since the coup in Ukraine. What happened? President Putin was transformed from a friend of the West to a foe and, yet again, he was characterized as a tsar. He is portrayed as a dictator suppressing opposition in Russia, and that he came to power through undemocratic means, despite the fact that he was elected in democratic elections, and the West itself acknowledged that the elections were democratic. Now, it is no longer democratic. This is Western propaganda. They say that if the president went things will get better. What does that mean, practically? For the West, it means that as long as you are there, we will continue to support terrorism, because the Western principle followed now in Syria and Russia and other countries is changing presidents, changing states, or what they call bringing regimes down. Why? Because they do not accept partners and do not accept independent states. What is their problem with Russia? What is their problem with Syria? “

From President Bashar Al-Assad’s Russian Media Interview, September 16, 2015.

“President Putin’s policy which is based on the international legitimacy and the objectives of the UN remain the guarantee for all world peoples to create a balanced and transparent world based on respecting the sovereignty of countries and the right of peoples to decide their destiny,”

From President Bashar Al-Assad’s  statements on March 6, 2014.

“Therefore, alongside the Russian experts, we submitted all the details and indications to Russia. The evidence confirmed that the attack was perpetrated by the terrorists in Northern Syria.”

From President Bashar Al-Assad’s Interview with Rossiya 24 TV channel, September 12, 2013.

“We are fighting terrorism. We are implementing our constitution by protecting the Syrian people. Let’s go back to what happened in Russia more than a decade ago when you faced terrorism in Chechnya and other places; they attacked people in theaters and schools and so on, and the army in Russia protected the people, would you call it war crimes?! No, you would not. Two days ago, Amnesty International recognized the crimes that were committed few days ago by the armed groups when they captured soldiers and executed them. Also Human Rights Watch recognized this. Human Rights Watch recognized more than once the crimes of those terrorist groups and few days ago it described these crimes as war crimes, this is the first point.”

From President Bashar Al-Assad’s RT TV Interview , November 9 , 2012.

“Syria is counting on Russia, primarily because of the historic relations between the two countries and because Russia is a superpower and a permanent Security Council member,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian TV Interview, October 30, 2011.

“Russia has played an important role since the first days of the crisis and that the two governments were communicating directly, with the Syrian government explaining to Russia the details of the situation based on Syria’s importance and influence in terms of the situation in the Middle East and the region.”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian TV Interview, October 30, 2011.

“Russia knew the dangers of the attempts at foreign interference in Syria, thus Russia played an important role in the international arena, with the most recent action in this regard being the Russian veto at the Security Council,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian TV Interview, October 30, 2011.

“Syria is counting on the Russian stance and continuing support not just in defense of Syria, but also in defense of worldwide stability….any Syrian citizen would have the same response as anyone with the least amount of patriotism would be grateful for Russia’s stance at the Security Council,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian TV Interview, October 30, 2011.

“Regarding the burning of flags, I don’t believe we can put that in the frame of political work as it doesn’t represent opposition or anything else. It often represents individual cases that may be spurred from abroad to complete the media image of the big lie being promoted about Syria in foreign media, showing Russia as if it supports a state against the people… this is the supposed media game behind this action,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian TV Interview, October 30, 2011.

“Syria, Russia, India and China are east. There are many countries that have good relations with Syria whether in the east, in Latin America or in Asia. There are rising powers In Asia, such as, India, China and Russia which are playing an important worldwide role in the political, economic and technical fields. The west is not the only choice we have, and we must take advantage of our relations with these countries. Syrian-Russian relations, for example, were improved in rapid paces after 2005 when we decided to head eastwards. I think this crisis will further boost these relations, especially in the economic domain. We count on our relation with Russia and the Russian aid in the political aspects and the Russian-Syrian economic cooperation.”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian TV Interview, October 30, 2011.

“This visit will be an important and historical milestone on the road to promote the bilateral relations in which the cultural communication has played a major role in consolidating it throughout hundreds of years.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

“the policy of supporting the just struggle of third-world peoples for liberation and independence played by Russia during the Soviet Union era and nowadays has sustained its highly-valued position by the peoples of the Middle East.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

“The Syrians will not forget Russia’s support to Syria to liberate the Occupied Syrian Golan and all occupied Arab territories and its continuous pursuit to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the region.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

”We have today a big number of joint Syrian-Russian families; some of which live in our country and some others live in Russia. These families create a natural bridge as to rely on in the development of our relations in the future,”

 From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

 “Syria plays an important role in the Middle East, something very important for world security. Russia is an important country due to its geo-political position as a country that connects between the East and the West, its human, economic and scientific potentials and its position at the UN Security Council.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

 “Therefore dialogue between us is always important for the region and the world. At the same time it is always a fruitful and productive dialogue. That is how the situation was today during my discussion with President Medvedev,”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

“We focused in our talks on bilateral relations. There is always continued and organized coordination between the two countries. Today we gave wide space for talking about activating cooperation in the economic domain. The world financial crisis has generally harmed cooperation among world countries. Trade exchange between Syria and Russia has been affected by this crisis. Today we are thinking of the new horizons which may help boosting cooperation between the two countries as to overcome it and lead this cooperation to new prospects,

 From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

 ”We have talked about cooperation in gas and oil fields including drilling, transporting and oil refinery setting up in addition to establishing electric power plants: traditional or nuclear plants.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

“We discussed dam construction and irrigation infrastructure in addition to transport specially air transport and potentials of setting up a strategic cooperation council between the two countries. Foreign Ministries in both countries will study this issue and submit proposals to the two governments and leaderships.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

“The peace process issue was on the table. Both countries are traditionally concerned in achieving peace in the Middle East. Russia is one of the main sponsors of the ME peace process launched in Madrid. This process is now at a standstill but during the standstill period, it is possible that some parties carry out procedures that may help boost peace opportunities and vice versa, they may carry out procedures that may completely blow up the peace process, “

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

 “We tackled the Iranian nuclear issue. Our views were that all countries have right to possess peaceful nuclear power, and the necessity to free the Middle East from all mass destruction weapons. We stressed that dialogue between Iran and the 6-countries group; because sanctions have no effects. They rather complicate solution instead of easing it,”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

 ” We condemned all terrorist operations recently carried out against the friendly Russian people, who seek peace. We stand by this people in confronting any action that may harm their safety and interest.”

 From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

 ” I start from the role of Russia: First, Russia is one of the main sponsors of the peace process launched in Madrid conference; Madrid Terms of Reference are still valid till today for the peace process; this does not contradict other present terms of reference in the Arab Peace Initiative. All these terms of references are basically rooted in the UN Security Council resolutions.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

  ”Secondly, Russia is a permanent member of the UN Security Council; on top of its responsibilities is to care about and work for the implementation of Security Council resolutions, especially when the peace process is based on these resolutions. Thirdly, Russia is a big State and has an international position, and has to use this weight and this position to play a role in the peace process. Consequently, this Russian role and prospects are linked to the presence of the sponsor, parties, and terms of references for the peace process; the terms of reference are clear; namely the Security Council resolutions,”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

“As far as the parties, there is the willing Arab Party; which has reflected this through the Arab Peace Initiative in 2002. The Israeli party, we all know and most of world countries interested in the peace know, is unwilling -for the peace,”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

 As for the US sponsor, we are still in waiting that it would indeed and seriously move towards the peace process. What Russia can do is to search for the partner, whom we do not see now from the Israeli party, and to convince it with the importance of the peace for it as well as for the region. Furthermore, Russia can open dialogue with the US sponsor to encourage it as to quickly move to push the peace process ahead. Once we would reach to this phase, there would be details, principles, and mechanisms which the Russian party could discuss with concerned parties as to guarantee the approach, continuity, and consequently as to make the peace process a success.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

”As for the last part of your question, compromises are always present except when it comes to the rights; that is if somebody robed your properties, you might accept a compromise in a certain direction; but would not accept that he -the robber- would restitute to you part of your properties; he should restitute all the properties in full. Compromise could be made as far as other aspects. Thus, the land should be restituted fully, any other thing like relations, security arrangements and all other details have in them compromise.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements during President Medvedev visit, May 10-11, 2010.

 “We, in Syria, are very keen on the historic and strategic relations between Syria and Russia- Former Soviet Union- , which have always worked for security, and peace in the world,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

“There are many issues to be dealt with during our meeting today- August 21st 2008- on top of which stands the situation in the Middle East and the recent crisis in Caucasus,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

” We comprehend the Russian stance and the Russian military response to the provocation; we appreciate the courageous decision taken by the Russian Leadership in responding to the international initiatives starting to withdraw its troops.” 

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

” Russia has always been supportive of the Peace Process , and we are to deal with the active role that Russia might play in this regard.” 

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

 ” We stand against all such bids; hence, for us, this is a continuation for the US policy since Cold War era. What Russia has taken of measures- regarding Caucasus crisis- is but the defense of its legitimate interests.”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

“Naturally, the issue of military cooperation is a fundamental one. The buying of weapons is very important though of some bureaucratic obstacles at times, whether for production reasons or for financial difficulties. There is a need to speed matters knowing that the US and Israel have always been exerting pressures on both Russia and Syria.”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

“We are aware of the wide scope of Israel influence in Georgia ; the reports of closeness between the US and Israel is no secret . We hope that Russia were to realize clearly this role played by Israel in Caucasus crisis.”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

” if we were to evaluate the matters objectively, the relations between Iran and Russia are very good; Iran’s Air Defense System is a Russian made one, and is more modern than that which Syria has. Thus, we have to buy such a System from Iran and not the opposite.” 

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

“Russia has great potentials; therefore Russia has to remain a super power,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

 ” The traditions of the Syrian Christians and Moslems’ living peacefully together is one of the most important characteristic of our people; we have also a Jewish Community. In Syria live many of the Russians. The most ancient Church exists in Damascus.”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

“We cannot view what happened in the Caucasus apart from other consistent steps of the United States and its allies aimed at weakening Russia and lessening its role on the international arena. The question of human rights, the events in Chechnya and anti-Russian actions of a number or governments that came to power in ex-USSR countries were used for the same purpose in the past,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

“Russia had no other choice in conditions when the rights of its citizens and its own interests were affected and there emerged the threat to stability in the Caucasus,”

From H.E. President Assad’s Russian Media Interview, (August 20-21, 2008)

“Of course, this economic relationship, even in the field of oil, did not start this decade. It has been there for a long time, but the fact is that what strengthened economic relations between Syria and Russia, in addition to the political relations, is the successful visit which I made to Moscow at the beginning of this year. One of the most important points during that visit was finding a solution to the problem of debt between the two countries that remained unsolved for long decades. Solving this problem opened the doors for economic cooperation in many areas. Signing this contract comes as part of this cooperation. This does not mean that the political relationship does not reflect positively and negatively on any economic relationship between Syria and Russia or between Syria and other countries,”

From H. E. President Assad’s Russian TV Interview, December 12, 2005.

 ‏ ‏“There is no doubt that Syria and Russia are now political allies, and it is natural that in a situation of political alliance benefits and merits are given to the companies in one of these two countries. On the other hand, and this is of course from a Syrian perspective, I do not think that Russia will take a political decision for this contract. There are interests much larger than this contract. As I said earlier, there are interests in the stability of the region and in the role of Syria. You know that there was no stability in this region. Now, particularly after the war on Iraq, which was the last ditch in the region`s stability, any political or military mistake in this region will push the region towards chaos. This will affect the southern borders of the Russian Federation. So, as I said, I believe that the economic dimension, the political dimension, in addition to stability represent the greater part of our relationship with Russia.”

From H. E. President Assad’s Russian TV Interview, December 12, 2005.

“Mr. President, this visit is taking place within the historic relations between our countries, which will work to strengthen these relations in all areas, and which have come through the dramatic events of the last two years, which gave even greater stimulus to these relations.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements at the conclusion of Russian-Syrian talks, Moscow, January 25, 2005.

“Our talks took place in a very good, friendly atmosphere, and all the issues were discussed that were of mutual interest: regional, international and bilateral. As for our bilateral relations, they should be built on the principles of mutual respect and interest. And an agreement was reached that these relations will be built on mutual benefit. We also reached a solution to a long-standing issue – Syria’s debt to Russia, which will give a stimulus to our economic ties.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements at the conclusion of Russian-Syrian talks, Moscow, January 25, 2005.

“There was wide discussion of peaceful regulation in the Middle East, and paths to achieving peace in our region. We stressed that the hindrances that hold up the peace process in the Middle East will ultimately affect all the countries of this region. And this will further raise the level of violence and undermine the foundations of stability in the region. We stressed the necessity to cooperation in solving the Middle East issue on the basis of the Madrid Convention and UN Security Council resolutions № 242 and 338, and other international resolutions. Plus the principle “peace in exchange for land”, plus the Arab peace initiative that was advanced in Beirut in 2002. We stressed the necessity to continue talks without any conditions, which could lead to a universal fair solution, the withdrawal of Israeli troops from all Arab lands occupied since 1967, and the creation of a Palestinian state with the capital of Al-Kuds (Jerusalem). We stressed the necessity for the Middle East to be fully cleared of weapons of mass destruction.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements at the conclusion of Russian-Syrian talks, Moscow, January 25, 2005.

“As for Iraq, we stressed the necessity to maintain the integrity of Iraq and its national identity, and agreed to support the political process that is currently going on there, including elections – stressing the necessity for all sections of the Iraqi people to take part.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements at the conclusion of Russian-Syrian talks, Moscow, January 25, 2005.

“As for the international situation, we agreed that peace should be more active, and that other countries should work more actively in this field, and support the role of the UN for maintaining peace all over the world. At the same time, we believe that the UN requires reform to all its structures.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements at the conclusion of Russian-Syrian talks, Moscow, January 25, 2005.

“We discussed terrorism and are prepared to fight it. We have the same opinion about where the root of this disease lies, and how to treat it.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements at the conclusion of Russian-Syrian talks, Moscow, January 25, 2005.

“We express our support of Mr. Putin’s policies, which support the active presence of Russia on the world stage. We also thank Russia for supporting our just rights.”

From H.E. President Bashar Assad’s Statements at the conclusion of Russian-Syrian talks, Moscow, January 25, 2005.


Dr. Mohammad Abdo Al-Ibrahim

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