The historic visitors center in Palmyra is put into service after its restoration

The Ministry of Tourism, in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture and the Governorate of Homs, put the historic visitors center building in the ancient city of Palmyra into service, after its restoration as a result of the attacks of the terrorist “ISIS” organization, at an estimated cost of 300 million Syrian pounds.


Homs Archaeological Director of Antiquities and Museums Husam Hamish said in a statement to SANA reporter that this important archaeological building, which dates back about two hundred years, was previously used as a museum of folk traditions and then as a center for visitors and tourist delegations. It has now been restored in an artistic and visual way, using gypsum and stone from the nature of the heritage building of the area.

He pointed out that this center is the gateway for the tourist upon his arrival to the archaeological area of Palmyra, as it provides a general map and a panoramic view of the archaeological and tourist site of Palmyra and its development through historical times.  The center also provides the visitors with documentary films and programs through big monitors. It also contains a tourist information office providing the visitors  with  advertisements and promotions, in addition to using part of it as hotel rooms to receive tourist delegations coming to the city, and preparing a cafeteria and a rest stop for visitors.

Inas Abdulkarewem

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