It is an established fact that one of the main factors that caused the prolonging of the crisis in Syria and the absence of the political solution is the biased and incomplete UN reports that lack credibility and ignore facts on the ground. Throughout the past eight years, the reports submitted by the UN and its affiliated bodies concerning Syria have been full of fallacies and bias, taking the difficult humanitarian situation caused by the takfiri terrorist groups in various Syrian cities to direct baseless accusations against Syrian government. In fact, the UN affiliated bodies have been a part of a group led by some influential members in the UN Security Council for accusing Syrian government and putting further pressure on it.
The reports ignore the root cause behind the worsening humanitarian situation in Syria which is the escalating terrorist activities. Terrorist groups have targeted civilian areas, displaced the locals, destroyed infrastructures and damaged the states’ service institutions.
Some Security Council member states have worked, since the beginning of the crisis, to exploit the humanitarian issue in order to defame the efforts of the Syrian State’s institutions, distort its image and stir up the public opinion against it. The countries concerned should withdraw their nationals of foreign terrorists, estimated at tens of thousands, from Syria immediately and bring them to justice for their crimes against humanity.
The US occupation forces and their affiliated terrorists still seize thousands of civilians at al-Rukban camp in al-Tanf, prevent them from returning to their areas and reject to remove the camp. The UNSC should force the US to abstain from obstructing the Russian-Syrian efforts to end the suffering of the camp residents. The presence of any foreign military forces on the Syrian territory, without the Syrian government acceptance, is an aggression and occupation. The UN should play its role in stopping the practices of the Turkish regime that aim at changing the demographic nature of the regions its occupies through imposing its laws, language and forcing the Syrians to abide by Turkish laws.
Jabhat al-Nusra terrorist organization in Idleb continues to take hundreds of thousands of civilians as human shields, commits crimes against locals and keeps attacking neighboring cities and towns, causing the martyrdom of innocent people and the destruction of citizens properties.
Implementing the principles of the international laws as well as the UN Charter and the Security Council resolutions on fighting terrorism necessitates supporting the counterterrorism efforts of the Syrian states and its allies instead of calling for holding meetings to promote misleading information and accuse Syria and its allies to serve the terrorist groups and hinder the legal procedures taken by the Syrian state to protect its citizens and rid them of the terrorists control.
Ending the suffering of the Syrians in Idleb and other areas necessitates eliminating the root causes of this suffering, mainly the policies of the countries supporting terrorism, the foreign-backed terrorist groups’ attacks, the crimes committed by of the illegal US-led coalition and its affiliated militias and the illegal presence of the American and Turkish forces in Syria.
Immediate and unconditional lifting of sanctions imposed on the Syrians should be done. The unilateral coercive economic measures are considered a kind of economic terrorism. These measures imposed on Syria violate Charter of the United Nations, resolutions of the UN General Assembly and the Human Rights Council. These measures have harmed the Syrian economy and negatively impacted the livelihood of the Syrian people, which led tens of thousands of Syrians to leave their country. The basic sectors have been damaged by these measures, and this reflected on the basic human needs of the Syrian people, mainly food, medicine, medical equipment and energy products. The effects of unilateral coercive measures have damaged education, transport, agriculture and basic services sectors. The Syrian government, with the aim of finding development alternatives, adopted the strategy of “promoting South-South cooperation” and bolstering its commercials and economic relations with its partners in Iran, China and other friendly countries.
The unilateral coercive measures caused great suffering to citizens. There is a need to immediately lift these inhumane measures, since they impede the reconstruction process.
The deliberate and systematic politicization of the humanitarian file in Syria and the using of this file for certain goals that completely contradict the principles of humanitarian action should be ended.