The Cultural Center of Abu Rummaneh presents a Russian film on terrorist crimes in Libya

The Arab Cultural Center in Abu Rummaneh presented the new Russian film ( Shogali) which shows the reality of Western-backed terrorism, war and chaos  in Libya.

After the film screening, a group of Syrian political figures  and artists held  a two-hour  seminar to discuss the film.

The events of  Shogali film tackles the story of the illegal arrest of the Russian sociologist Maxim Shogali and his translator Samer Suivan in a prison in the Libyan city of Mutaika for a year ago, while they were conducting a serious study on Libyan society to know what is happening in this country.


The film reveals the American role in the arrest of Shogali, after obtaining important information condemning Washington, as well as the killing and destruction of the Libyan people and the war led by militias supported by the Qatari and Turkish regimes against the Libyan National Army.

In the seminar, political analyst Bassam Abu Abdullah talked about the volume of conspiracies in the region and the role of terrorist organizations in them, in alliance with the West, in practicing terrorism, kidnapping and killing of everyone who exposes the threads of these conspiracies.

The Syrian director Osama Shoucair talked about the artistic level of the film and the development of Russian cinema, considering that the film succeeded in addressing the Libyan social situation and conflicts in that region.

The film was filmed in Russia and Tunisia, and it was produced by Sergey Shylovov, the scenario of Vladimir Izmailov and Anton Laren, and  directed by Denis Nimand .


O. al-Mohammad

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