The 15th of May marks the Nakba Day in which more than 950 thousand Palestinians were forcibly displaced, by Zionists, from their original towns and cities into the West Bank and Gaza Strip, neighboring Arab countries, and other countries of the world.
The Palestinians mark this day to remember how the owners of the lands were subjected to persecution , torture , displacement and looting of their lands over the decades .
The ominous Balfour Declaration represented one of the most dangerous conspiracies against the Arab region and continues to this day, with the aim of undermining and destroying this region in service of the colonial plans and goals of Western countries and the Israeli occupation.
–In 1918 Britain tightened its occupation of Palestine, and in 1920 was able to incorporate the Balfour Declaration into its mandate on the land of Palestine, in accordance with the decision of the League of Nations in July 1922, and it brought large numbers of Jews to Palestine
-The Palestinians rejected British colonialism and the Zionist project, demanded independence, and carried out a number national liberation movements
– By 1948, the Zionists had established 292 settlements on the land of Palestine, and formed terrorist groups who committed more than 50 massacres in addition to displacing 950,000 Palestinians.
– On November 29, 1947, the General Assembly of the United Nations, contrary to the desire of the Palestinians, the real owners of the land, adopted Resolution No. 181, which was known as the Partition Resolution, and resulted in the creation of the Israeli entity on the land of Palestine.
– In June 1967, “Israel” imposed a military occupation on East Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and began a policy of demographic change in Jerusalem to empty it of the Palestinian presence and Judaize it.
– 14.3 million is the total number of Palestinians until the end of 2022, half of whom are in Palestine, and the rest are refugees in different countries .
– More than 100 thousand is the number of Palestinian martyrs since the Nakba, while the number of martyrs during the current year reached more than 150, including 33 in the aggression launched by the occupation on the Gaza Strip between the ninth and the 13th of this month .
– More than a million Palestinians have been arrested by the occupation since 1967, including 17,000 women and 50,000 children who have been subjected to the most heinous types of physical and psychological torture and deliberate medical neglect.
-4,900 Palestinian prisoners, including 160 children and 31 women, are still being held under detention by the occupation in 23 detention centers in violation of international laws and human rights that the international community praises and claims to defend.
– November 30, 2022- The United Nations decided to devote its activities in 2023 to the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of the Nakba, and to hold a high-level event in the General Assembly Hall on May 15 for the first time in seven and a half decades of the Nakba in international recognition of the tragedy against Palestinians.
– May 15, 2023- Under the slogan “ Nakba is a continuous crime … and return is a right,” the activities of the 75th anniversary of Nakba will be held in occupied Palestine and all the capitals of the countries, to remind the world of the crimes of ethnic cleansing and forced displacement committed by the Zionist terrorist groups against the Palestinian people.
Rawaa Ghanam