Takfiri terrorism has no limit or religion

The terrorist bombing carried out by ISIS in Kuwait and Tunisia last Friday is a new evidence on the fact that terrorism will extend to other Arab and regional states and the world as a whole. The heinous attack, which had targeted Al-Imam al-Sadeq Mosque in Kuwait during last Friday prayers, is part of the terrorist war waged on the Arab and Islamic nations in particular and the whole world.

Syria, which suffered many barbaric terrorist attacks at the hands of ISIS, al-Nusra, and other terrorist organization, had warned against the threat of terrorism which is receiving support from the Saudi and Qatari regimes and Erdogan’s government, all while the international community remains suspiciously silent, simply because some permanent member states at the UN security Council are involved in supporting takfiri terrorists operating in Syria and Iraq logistically and financially.

The terrorist acts which recently hit Tunisia, Kuwait and France confirm once again that no one is isolated from the danger of terrorism, which has no limits or religion. The international community should take a serious stance and a responsible act to eradicate the plague of terrorism and force the countries that are providing support for terrorism, particularly, France, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey to comply with resolutions of the international legitimacy relevant to counter terrorism and abandon their destructive policies which pose a threat to the international peace, stability and security.

If there is a faithful will to combat terrorism, there should be an organized international concerted effort to combat terrorism both as a mentality and as organizations. The first step in combating takfiri terrorism should be stopping the funding, arming, and harboring of terrorists and holding the states responsible for terrorist actions accountable, especially Qatar, Turkey and Saudi Arabia. Terrorists and their supporters are far removed from any homeland, religion, or morals.

Syria has always opposed terrorism and warned against it and its spread to other Arab countries time and again. It’s not surprising that terrorist attacks took place in several states, particularly in Kuwait and Tunisia.

The Syrians are fighting terrorists in Hasaka, DeirEzzor, Daraa, and other areas, and those terrorists are supported by the Turkish regime, Israel, and the ruling family in Saudi Arabia, in addition to other sides including the U.S. and some European states. The terrorism kills innocent people is bound to backfire on the states sponsoring it. Paris, Washington and other European capitals will not be immune against the plague of terrorism, because takfiri terrorism has no religion, geography or morals.

The international community should recall that Syria sent hundreds of letters to the Security Council warning against the possibility of attacks similar to last Friday’s attacks taking place. If the world doesn’t stand united against the terrorism embodied by ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, terrorism will extend to other areas and the world will drown in chaos, murder, and bloodshed.

The French leadership represented by President Francois Hollande and Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, along with other European and U.S. leaders, must cease their support for terrorists and their overlooking of those who fund, harbor, and arm terrorists, otherwise these states will run the risk of being subjected to reprehensible terrorist attacks.

Several governments that harbor, train and fund terrorists only wake up when terrorism affects them and call for more coordination and hollow decisions at the Security Council. These states should work honestly to eradicate terrorism; otherwise takfiri terrorism will move to their cities quickly. Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries should understand that they will be the next target for the terrorist organizations.

Saudi Arabia, Gulf countries, and perhaps some others, should pray for President Bashar al-Assad because Syria is the last frontier of their security, and if the Syrian state falls, then Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states will be the next goal for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Some 5,000 Saudi nationals are part of ISIS and when the active phase of confrontation ends there, they will come back to their home and they can only kill Saudi people.





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