Syrian students studying in Slovakia renewed their stand and solidarity with the workers of the motherland, Syria, and its sacrifices in the face of terrorism and aggression.
In a statement issued today on the occasion of International Workers’ Day, the National Union of Syrian Students, Slovakia branch, expressed the students’ appreciation and pride in the struggle of the homeland’s workers and their historical sacrifices against the colonialists and the terrorist and economic aggression they are exposed to.
The statement emphasized that workers are the equivalent of the Syrian Arab Army. Both of them played a pivotal role in defeating terrorism and restoring security and stability to the homeland.
The statement stressed the importance of defending workers and their legitimate rights that guarantee their families and protect their acquired rights. It underlined the importance of solidarity among Arab workers and strengthening their unity, and being aware of the projects plotted against the Arab world that target its existence, present and future.
In their statement, the students warned that International Labor Day, which falls tomorrow, comes in difficult circumstances and dangerous conditions that threaten the Arab nation as a result of the spread of terrorism.
- Al-Mohammad