Some 40 Local, Arab and Foreign Companies to Take Part in Renewable Energies Exhibition

DAMASCUS, (ST) –  With the participation of more than 40 Syrian, Arab and foreign companies, the 6th International Energy, Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Cooling Exhibition will be held at the Dama Rose Hotel in Damascus. The Exhibition will be organized by Tayara Foundation for Exhibitions and Conferences.

The exhibition, which will be held in cooperation with the Ministry of Electricity and with the support of the Federation of Chambers of Commerce, the National Center for Energy Research and the Engineers Union in Damascus, includes “the specialties of water technology, environmental systems, electric power, heating, ventilation, cooling and air conditioning systems.”

In a statement to local press, Deputy Director of the National Center for Energy Research, SinjarTohma, clarified the importance of the exhibition to focus on the reality of electricity during the war and to brief on the latest technology used and modern experiments and researches carried out by the National Center as well as being an opportunity to meet concerned bodies in the field of energies, involvement of the private sector in investment in the fields of generation and the distribution of electricity and discuss topics of training and mutual rehabilitation between the public and private sectors to raise the level of cadres working in this domain.

Mr. Tohma said that a large number of companies specialized in solar water heating and electricity generation and other for the pumps and the interferometers will participate in the exhibition, which is accompanied by the establishment of scientific seminars, which will be attended by specialists from the Ministry of Electricity and its institutions and companies.

For his part, the Director General of the organizing body of the exhibition Mowafaq Tayara said in a similar statement that the exhibition is an invitation to all national companies specialized in the field of reconstruction to participate in the construction process and to ensure the needs of this stage and its requirements.

Sh. Kh.

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