Shaddadi city residents in the southern countryside of Hasakeh demonstrated in protest against the terror of the “Qasad militia” supported by the American occupation forces. The residents demonstrated against Qasad crimes against the people of the area.
On Tuesday morning, the people of Shaddadi demonstrated against “Qasad militia”, to condemn the criminal practices of this militia against the citizens, especially the kidnapping of young men and minors and their forced recruitment to fight in Qasad ranks. This is in addition to the militia’s continued looting and sabotaging of the people’s property and imposing royalties on marketing crops and agricultural products.
The local sources indicated that the people who gathered in the squares of Shaddadi city set tires on fire, cut off some of the main roads leading to the city, and chanted expressions denouncing the militia’s practices and dependence on the American occupation.
The regions of Deir ez-Zor and Hasakeh countryside are witnessing popular demonstrations to demand the expulsion of the US occupation and the “Qasad” militia, which continued to abuse the people, steal their property, besiege a number of villages and towns, arrest dozens of young men, target notables and clan elders, and steal the wealth of the Jazira region