“Art is about connecting with people’s emotions . It is personal and at the same time , universal. An artist has the ability to feel strongly to be sensitive to things and express this in the paint , gesture or color . I believe that the artist’s role , above all things , is to be as true to themselves as they can within society , the community and the world at large” Artist Fareed Reslan Head of the Lattakia branch of Plastic Artits’ Union said in a statement to the Syriatimes e-newspaper at the sideline of opening Lattakia Spring exhibition 2021.
The annual exhibition, which was organized by Lattakia branch of Plastic Artists’ Union at Al-Bassel Gallery of Art, was distinguished by providing a chance for creating a rich visual artistic dialogue by combining the young visions and artistic experiences of professional artists.
Seventy artworks diversified in styles and themes were showcased by 55 artists who are members of the Lattakia branch, in addition to a number of guest artists from Sweida, Hasakah, Damascus and Deir Ezzor provinces .
The artworks depicted rich experiences and topics as well as different art schools that were dominated by realism , surrealism and abstraction.
Artist Reslan pointed out that the exhibition, that came after a forced absence last year due to the Corona pandemic, was characterized by a large participation of young artists who have recently joined the union from graduates of colleges of art and amateurs, which constitutes an incentive to the plastic art movement in the governorate.
He added the cultural event that included various art works in terms of techniques including oil painting , water pastel and sculptural works of various materials such as natural stone, industrial and wood .
Rada Hamdoush , one of the young artists participating in the exhibition, noted the importance of holding exhibitions constantly despite difficult circumstances, to stress the presence and effectiveness of art.
Sculptor, Jaber Asaad, who participated in two walnut and olive wood sculpture works representing the mother and family , stressed his constant keenness on adopting curved lines and simplification in his sculpture works to embody his idea easily , noting the role of exhibitions in raising visual taste.
For his part, plastic artist Mario Youssef ‘s painting , which represented spring and green plains, is an indication of a new birth to our country, indicating that the exhibition is distinguished this year by the number of participants and the development of the plastic work movement.
Plastic artist Ramadan Al-Nuzha, who participated as a guest at the exhibition from Deir Ezzor Governorate, believed that the cultural event showcased a variety of styles and topics that witnessed a great turnout.
Interviewed by : Rawaa Ghanam