DAMASCUS,(ST)_The final list of Presidential candidates is to be announced on May the10th 2014, Spokesman of the Supreme Constitutional Court says.
Lawyer Majed Khadra was quoted today on the official news agency (SANA) as saying that the final list of presidential candidates will be announced on Saturday after the court completes studying six grievance petitions according to the constitution and the general election law.
The grievance petitions were submitted by: Mr. Ahmad Ali Qase’a, Ali Hasan al-Hasan, Bashir Mohammad al-Balah, Khaled Abdu al-Kredi, Sameh Bin Mekha’el Mousa, and Sameer Ahmad M’alla having their applications rejected by the court to the presidential candidates.
Three days ago, the court approved three applications submitted by Mr. Maher Abdulhafiz Hajjar, Hassan Abdullah al-Nouri and Dr. Bashar Hafez Al-Assad to run for the forthcoming presidential elections slated on May 28th for the Syrians abroad and on June 3rd for the Syrian residents in the country.
Each candidate must receive the support of 35 MPs to make their run official and each MP can support one candidate.
The Syrian People’s Assembly [Parliament] has 250 members.