MOSCOW, April.14, (ST)-The Russian Defense Ministry has published a new list of officials from the US and the European Union engaged in the implementation of military-biological programs in Ukraine.
“I will give the names of the officials who were engaged in the implementation of military-biological programs,” Chief of Russia’s Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Troops Igor Kirillov said on Thursday.
“The position of the executive director of the Science and Technology Center of Ukraine (STCU) is held by US national Kurtis Bjelajac. He was born in California on August 27, 1968, and studied at University of California <…> He has the master’ degree in international finance and has been working in Ukraine since 1994,” Kirillov said.
The chairman of the STCU board from the European Union is Eddie Maier. From the US, the activity of the center is supervised by Phillip Dolliff. Dolliff was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nonproliferation Programs (ISN/NP) in the Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation in the U.S. Department of State.
According to Kirillov, the documents received by the Russian Defense Ministry confirm the links between the STCU and the US military department. He presented an official recommendation of the US Department of State, approving cooperation of the center and the Pentagon’s main contractor, Black and Veatch.
“The correspondence expresses the readiness of the company’s vice president, Matthew Webber, to work with the STCU as part of ongoing military-biological research in Ukraine,” Kirillov added.
“Thanks to a special military operation by the Russian troops, it became possible to obtain additional information on US military-biological activities in Ukraine, confirming numerous violations of the Biological Weapons Convention,” he stressed.
“Taking advantage of the existing gaps in international law and the absence of a clear verification mechanism, the US administration is consistently building up its military-biological potential in various regions of the globe,” Kirillov said.
“The Russian Federation is constantly making efforts to establish a mechanism to verify the compliance with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, but this initiative has been consistently blocked since 2001 by the US-led collective West,” he stressed.
Source: TASS