Pyrography in Suwayda Cultural Center

Redan Al-Sahnawi a Syrian artist interested in pyrography, which is the art of drawing on burnt wood. This is clear from his exhibition, which includes 44 artistic works the outcome of two years of hard work; opening at the Suwayda Cultural Center.

Redan used in his first exhibition the technique of decorating wood by burning a design on the surface with a heated metallic point to form different shapes and color shades, following his artistic sense.

The artist Fawazat Abu Zaidan complimented his beautiful and distinguished work, as Al-Sahnawi tries to give chromatic colors gradation new perspectives of shadows and light, shortening distance between his painting and reality.

Al-Sahnawi was born in El Suwayda, in 1970, has graduated from the Faculty of Literature, Department of Arabic Language, Damascus University, in 1996.


Edited by: H.Z


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