Putin ‘Outplayed’ Obama on World Stage

Russian President Vladimir Putin has outplayed US President Barack Obama regarding political issues around the world, says a geopolitical analyst in New York.

Putin has outplayed him, outmaneuvered him with regard to Syria, with regard to Ukraine, with regard to the economic sanctions, with regard to pipelines in southern Europe and I think it comes from a feel of wanting to hurt Putin on a personal level and wanting to demonize him and Russia on a political and on a diplomatic level,” said Eric Draitser, the founder of Stop imperialism.com.

He added that the United States is concerned that Russia is assertive enough on the global stage to be able to defend itself and its interests.

 “What the United States is really objecting to — and this is I think the fundamental point — is the fact that Russia is now assertive on the global stage,” the analyst said.

 “Russia is not only assertive, but that Russia is able to defend itself and to defend its interests,” he noted.

Obama is not only a weak leader, but a short-sighted

Earlier this week, Obama said Putin is destroying his country’s economy in order to recreate the Soviet empire.

 “The idea that the Russian economy is in some kind of significant decline, is completely overblown and it’s really more product of Western and US propaganda than it is actual economic reality,” he told Press TV on Wednesday.

The Obama administration accuses Moscow of supporting and arming pro-Russian forces fighting in eastern Ukraine since last year. The Kremlin says the allegations are baseless.

Washington and its allies have imposed sanctions against Moscow over the crisis in Ukraine.

Draitser also explained that “this is part of US propaganda” because “ultimately this is the United States trying to reassert its hegemony in a rapidly changing political and geopolitical space.”


“The United States has encircled Russia with its US and allies’ military bases. The United States has waged countless wars in recent years. It’s waging simultaneously at least five different wars as we speak. The United States is involved in what is the quite essential example of imperialism around the world,” Draitser said.

“Obama has proved himself countless time to not only be a weak leader, but to be a short-sighted one and I think these comments are indicative of that short-sightedness,” he concluded.






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