President Bashar al-Assad and First Lady Asma al-Assad visit the model village of Xiaoqing in the countryside of Hangzhou city
Today, President Bashar al-Assad and First Lady Asma al-Assad visited the model village of Xiaoqing in the countryside of the Chinese city of Hangzhou, toured it and witnessed its experience in rural development.
During the visit, a dialogue took place with a number of the village’s farmers and producers about their successful experience in the development of rural lifein various sectors, as well as establishing cooperative work and ensuring success, integration between work and production tools, and planning among members of the local community in joint marketing of products, which gives better opportunities for sale and access to markets successfully.
China’s experience in the field of rural development and small productive projects is a successful model through which towns and villages have moved towards a better level of production and professional work.
The model village of Xiaoqing is located 34 km western of the city of Hangzhou and is characterized by a beautiful geographical location.
The 12 km – squared village’s population reaches 3,500 citizens and forests cover 80 percent of the village’s area.
It contains a group of historical and cultural sites and is considered a national cultural protection unit.
The village is a model for creating an environment in which the elements of development, work and production opportunities are available based on integrated planning with all human and natural resources.
The village also represents a model for preserving cultural identity and tangible and intangible heritage by preserving the traditions, customs and culture of the village residents and preserving the natural heritage.