Paroubek Describes European Leaders’ Policies and Subordination to U.S. as Stupid

PRAGUE, (ST) – Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Jiri Paroubek has criticized the European Union’s (EU) stance towards Syria and its subordination to the US policy.

In a statement to the “Parliamentary Papers” website on Monday, Paroubek described European leaders’ policies and their subordination to the U.S as stupid.

“The European Union was not only a subordinator to the US policies, it also contributed to destruction in Syria, a matter that worsened the suffering of the Syrian people and led to the immigration of a large number of Syrians,” the Czech Ex- premier said.


He added the EU didn’t understand that its policy can’t be a photocopy of the American one and that it has some foreign political interests that don’t go in conformity with the US interests.

Paroubek hailed the Russian military operations against terrorists in Syria, stressing that the Russians are implementing a good strategy based on coordination with the Syrian army. 

“These operations have had political benefits as they led the West, weeks later, to talk seriously about the possibility of attaining peaceful settlement in Syria, Paroubek said.

Hamda Mustafa

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