Palestinian National Office for Land Defense: Settler terrorism reaches record levels in the West Bank

Occupied Al-Quds, (ST)- The National Office for Land Defense and Settlement Resistance of the Palestine Liberation Organization affirmed that Israeli settler terrorism has reached record levels in the West Bank. It added that the Israeli settlers find support and encouragement from the occupation government.

The office said in its weekly report, according to Wafa News Agency: The settlers’ attacks went beyond burning Palestinian crops and trees, stealing their crops, and destroying their water wells, and entered a new phase of organized terrorism using the latest weapons, as the number of martyrs killed by settlers’ bullets since last October 7 reached 18 martyrs.

The report clarified that settler violence and terrorism had greatly increased in various areas of the West Bank since the beginning of the Israeli aggression on Gaza Strip, especially after arming more than 17,000 settlers, forming their own militias, and giving them full freedom by the occupation army.

The office indicated that the Israeli occupation authorities are practicing organized terrorism in the West Bank, and are not content with tearing the West Bank apart through military checkpoints, iron gates, and earth mounds, but are also launching continuous incursions into cities, towns, villages, and camps amid assassinations, killings, house demolitions, and arrests.

The office said that the Israeli settlements have turned into armed arsenals, and a place of pressure and aggression.

The report stated that settler violence sponsored by the occupation government remains an integral part of the Israeli system that aspires to Judaize the Palestinian lands and dispossess the Palestinians of their lands.

Raghda Sawas


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