Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemns Bennett’s provocative visit to a settlement in the West Bank

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has condemned the provocative visit of the Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett to an illegal settlement built in the north of the West Bank, calling on the Security Council to assume its responsibilities towards implementing the UN Resolution No. 2334 which stresses the illegality of the Israeli settlement building activities and calls for stopping them.

In a statement reported by WAFA News Agency on Tuesday, the ministry said that this provocative step is part of the occupation’s attempt to expand settlement building operations in Palestine in implementation of the occupation’s colonialist annexation schemes.

 “Bennett’s visit to a settlement built north of the West bank under the protection of the occupation forces is an act of storming into an occupied Palestinian land, said the ministry, reiterating that establishing settlements as a fait accompli doesn’t change the international law and the international legitimacy resolutions which affirm that all forms of Israeli settlement building are null and illegal.

 The ministry urged the Security Council to focus in its coming meeting on the full condemnation of the occupation’s violations and on ways to provide international protection to the Palestinians people and to appoint international observers to document the Israeli crimes against the Palestinians.

Hamda Mustafa

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