Paintings Traced by Poetry, words sculptured by stone

What was exceptional in the art exhibition held at the Old Tartous Gallery was not the theme or techniques used in that exhibition but the harmony between various arts such as fine art, sculpture and poetry. This was the initiative of a group of artists in Tartous province.

Shawkat Assi, an artist and painter participated in about thirty paintings that included a number of subjects such as landscape and portraits, painted with different textures and technique like oil painting, ink and charcoal, considered the exhibition a message of love and unity of the homeland.

Whereas, Saleh Qarmaid, a sculptor who participated in this event with eight sculptures that embody ancient temples such as the Arc of Triumph, in addition to five paintings, with various topics like landscapes and portraits using oil and acrylic techniques, indicating his rich experience in the field of interior design.

On her participation in the exhibition, the artist Rasha Hassoun praised cultural and artistic activities that have carried on as a sign of continuity of life despite all the circumstances, indicating that nature is her inspiration.

The two-day art exhibition hosted on its first day a poetry evening held by the writer Maram Wanous who presented an assortment of prose reading expressing her thoughts and sentiments about issues regarding society, war, love and human feelings; considering that what prompted her to write is her homeland – suffering Syria- during war years, those long years of pain and destruction. Wanous considered the encounter of drawing with poetry as an encounter of the soul with itself, as art as a whole are an expression of feelings and imagination of every human being.

Lama Alhassanieh

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