On The First Day, The settlement of Moadamiyat al-Sham Witnesses a Massive Turnout

The settlement process began today, Tuesday, the 8th of February 2022 in the city of Moadamiyat al-Sham in the southwestern Damascus countryside. A center has been opened by the competent authorities in the Moadamiyat al-Sham within the framework of the agreements proposed by the State.

The center is witnessing a huge influx of wanted civilians and military fugitives in addition to those who failed the mandatory and reserve services. The Center is open to all those who wish to regularize their status, as part of the Government’s efforts aimed at establishing stability, security and safety.

The settlement process that began today in the suburb of Moadamiyat al-Sham comes as a continuation of the settlement that took place in 2016 and represents an opportunity for those wanted persons who wish to rectify the course of their lives.

Settlements will continue in Damascus countryside Governorate during the coming period to include all those wishing to join the settlement process which allows them the opportunity to return to their normal lives among their families and in their areas.

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