Occupation Forces Remove New Palestinian Protest Camp

The Israeli occupation forces early Monday morning removed a Palestinian protest encampment of four tents and a building under construction near a West Bank village, according to AFP

 In addition to demolishing the structures near the Palestinian village of Beit Iksa, on the northwestern outskirts of Al-Quds, “20 Palestinians at the site were evicted without incident,” the sources added.

 Activists on Friday set up the encampment to protest against Israel’s intention to confiscate at least 124 acres (50 hectares) of land near the village, naming the camp Bab Al-Karama, (Gate of Dignity).

 Bab Al-Karama was inspired by a separate Palestinian protest camp of 24 tents set up on a disputed piece of land on the eastern outskirts of Al-Quds that was dismantled by police last week.

 Activists had established that camp, which they dubbed Bab Al-Shams (Gate of the Sun), in a bid to draw attention to Israeli plans to build in the area, known as E1.


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