Occupation forces Detain 26% More Palestinian Children in 2012

The latest reports released by the Palestinians’ official bodies displayed that Israel has detained 881 Palestinian children in 2012, 26% more compared with the previous year,according to FNA.

The Director of the Department of Statistics at the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners, Abdel Nasser Farawana stated that the Zionist regime has arrested 3,848 Palestinian citizens in 2012, including 881 children, 67 women, 11 parliamentarians, and 9 who have been freed in the last prisoners swap .

In addition, Israel arrested dozens of academics, journalists, teachers, political leaders, and civil community leaders.

Farawana added that 97.7% of detainees are from the West Bank and the occupied Quds , 89 are from the Gaza Strip, most of them fishermen arrested in the sea.

He mentioned that an average 321 arrests per month, and approximately 11 cases per day, were made by Israel during the year 2012.

Farawana stated that arrests affected all segments of the Palestinian society, including the wounded people, the sick, the elderly, and become a daily Israeli practice.

It is documented that Israel practices inhumane policies against Palestinian prisoners such as mass imprisonment, imprisonment with no charge, detaining children, regular mistreatment, torture, isolation and deprivation of visits.



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