“In times of crises, humanity unites together to confront these crises … One for all, no politics or interests … human life is the interest and the goal and providing support to those affected is the point.” The Maestro of the Classical Orchestra at Mahmoud Al-Ajan Institute of Music, Mohammed Nizar Farhat told Syria times e-newspaper..
He went on to say, “We want to send through the online rehearsals of our classical orchestra, which includes more than 30 talented children as young as 15 years old, a spontaneous musical message of support to the great Italian people … Italy, patron of music, art and culture”…
The country of the first Piano and the first violin … The country that witnessed the birth of the most important musicians and artists throughout the ages and which has enriched the global culture… The country where we all wish to attend a concert, where we hope to achieve our dear dream to perform concerts.
We want to say through Bella Ciao, which had a great impact on the hearts and minds of Italians, We and you are stronger than this crisis and we are able to survive”.
” To all Italians who play music from their balconies, we will send our music as a message of love and support to you from our wounded country,” Mr. Mohammed concluded.
Interviewed by Amal Farhat