On April 30th, the Russian judiciary decided to impose a fine on the company operating the “Wikipedia Foundation” site, for violating the laws related to internet affairs in the country and not deleting fake information about the Russian army.
The Russian electronic newspaper, Vesti, stated that the Kalinin Court in Tyumen, Russia,had previously acknowledged that some information related to the Russian army and the whereabouts of some of its units is considered information prohibited from publishing on the Internet in Russia, and the Russian court demanded, through the Roscomandaz authority, to delete such information from the website“Wikipedia”.
The website“Wikipedia”did not comply with the Russian request, which made the Kalinin Court decide that “Wikipedia”is guilty and impose a fine of 2 million rubles on it under the second clause of the special article included in the Administrative Offenses Code of the Russian Federation related to prohibited content on the Internet.
- al-Mohammad