The feature film “The Morning Star”, produced by the General Cinema Establishment and directed by Joud Said, was presented yesterday at the 17th Geneva International Oriental Film Festival through a tribute show.
The film deals with the stories of kidnapped Syrian women who were tortured during the war years, highlighting their suffering in a supposed cinematic form, in addition to presenting a set of social problems resulting from the war and the stories that Syrians lived through.
At the Geneva International Festival, which started on the 13th of this June, director Joud Said was chosen as a member of the jury for feature films.
The festival included the screening of films by female directors and directors dealing with women’s freedom in contemporary societies, including 10 films in the feature film competition and 10 in the short film competition.
It is noteworthy that the movie “Morning Star” is starring Muhammad Al-Ahmad, Hussein Abbas, Youssef Al-Muqbil, Karam Al-Shaarani, Nadia Sedky and others.